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Messages - Pete_Fett

Pages: 1 ... 164 165 166 167 168 [169] 170 171 172 173 174 ... 249
Other Toy Lines / Re: Star Trek
« on: February 26, 2009, 06:46 PM »
Wow - I am so glad I stopped collecting Star Trek toys a while ago.

I was once a die-hard collector of the 5" Playmates line, but all of the scale changes really turned me off.

It's good to see that some things never change!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: February 25, 2009, 04:40 PM »
Got a bunch of stuff over the past week:

Two sets of the WalMart Comic packs
Two sets of Legacy Collection Wave 5
2x Clone Wars Magnaguards
Saga Legends Snowtrooper
Saga Legends ROTS Clonetrooper

okie dokie..... here's my list from last year....

1. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Super Articulated) Confirmed 2009 Wave 4
2. Padme Amidala - Assault on Theed Palace (Super Articulated)
3. Anakin Skywalker (Super Articulated w/Pod Racing and Naboo Fighter Pilot helmets and backpack)
4. Queen Amidala - Return to Naboo Confirmed 2009 Wave 4
5. Mawhonic
6. Ben Quadrinaros
7. Ratts Tyerell Confirmed - Release Date Unknown
8. Kitster / Wald 2-pack
9. Toonbuck Toora
10. Jira

so not bad, three of my ten were shown in the Toy Fair presentation.... so for this year, my list is:

1. Padme Amidala - Assault on Theed Palace (SA Resculpt)
2. Anakin Skywalker (SA Resculpt w/Pod Racing and Naboo Fighter Pilot helmets and backpack)
3. Mawhonic
4. Ben Quadrinaros
5. Kitster / Wald 2-pack
6. Toonbuck Toora
7. Jira
8. PK Droid 2-pack (they're tiny, we should get two)
9. Padme Amidala - Mos Espa (SA Resculpt)
10. Tey How

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Jabba the Hutt Battle Pack.
« on: February 22, 2009, 06:34 PM »
I have no doubt that the Nikto Guard will see release at some point in the future. It's a nice looking figure that looks to be pretty far along in development (if not done) - so even if it's not until 2010, I'm sure we'll get that figure eventually. Heck, we haven't seen all of the CW waves for 2009 yet either.

Since I have all of these, including the "clear" one that was released for Celebration Japan - I'm going to pass on these. The only thing that may prompt me to buy one is if they release a new astromech that Tomy never released, but I doubt that will happen.

It will be interesting to see if the packaging is the same but with new graphics or a completely new design.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Mail-Away Eopie
« on: February 16, 2009, 02:59 PM »
I will be getting at least three of these. One to keep MIP/MIB, one to have open and one to give Obi-Wan from EP3.

I think this is a great idea for a mail-away. I'm a bit surprised that they did this, but I'm glad they did.

I'm still waiting on all of my Crystal Skeletons, but I had no problem getting all of my Captain Rex figures, so hopefully, this will be easy to get.

I'm not expecting this to be any more proof-of-purchase or stickers, but I do expect us to pay double or triple for "shipping".

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars ARC-170 (Imperial Deco)
« on: February 4, 2009, 07:51 PM »
Including a crew and astromech would soften some of the blow of this price increase.  But if that's not the case...I've reached my breaking point on price for this vehicle.  For the price of the ARC-170 to have more than doubled since 2005 is just not acceptable.


If this came with three of the Evolutions ARC Pilots that were just released, repainted in ALL BLACK like a bridge outfit between EP3 and EP4 and then they also packed in an all black Astromech, I'd be SORTA okay with the price tag. $75 for just the ship is retarded.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Turbo Tank Coming Christmas 2009
« on: January 21, 2009, 10:45 PM »
Nice score on DPCIs. But I wonder what the Deluxe Vehicle will be. The Y-Wing? Seems that should be more in the $50 range like the B-Wing. Maybe it's The Twilight or a Republic Attack Shuttle?

I think the Deluxe Vehicle will be the Twilight. They just can't ignore this ship. It still won't be the correct size, which is fine by me, but it will still be a good size, which is nice. I wish they had done something like this for the Sith Infiltrator.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: New Star Wars Packaging
« on: January 14, 2009, 06:22 PM »
I kinda like it, I like the use of Red.

I am very interested to see what they do for the TLC/Legends line. It would be cool if they used different colors, like keeping the TLC figures with a blue Star Wars logo and blue area for where the character name is displayed and then moving the Legends figures to a complete different color like green or go black.

That would be a nice way to differentiate between the lines. I think right now, while cool, the helmet designs are too similar to each other and to the casual observer there is currently no difference. If they go with something like colors, a kid can tell their parent "make sure the packaging is red".

Great example, I was helping an elderly couple at a Target one morning get all of the figures on their grandson's list. The kid had all Clone Wars characters, but the grandparents were grabbing Anakin, Obi-Wan and C-3PO all from Saga Legends instead of Clone Wars. I asked them, "did he say from the cartoon or from the movie", to which his grandmother replied "he wants toys from the cartoon" - so I showed them how to tell what was from the cartoon vs. what was from the movies.

Those my good friends are Playmates' work at it best (in other-words lousy)

The Legacy Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2009!
« on: January 9, 2009, 09:50 AM »
I think having a weekly TV show on the Cartoon Network is a much bigger draw than a movie.

I think Hasbro is in good shape with all three properties (GI Joe, Transformers, and Star Wars). There's always a Transformers cartoon running, the SW cartoon is a success and there apparently is a GI Joe cartoon starting up soon (if it hasn't already). So I think Hasbro would want to be strong with all three at Toy Fair.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Willrow Hood
« on: January 7, 2009, 08:46 AM »
Figures like this were made to be shortpacked.

The only problem with that is due to the build-a-droid, you can't short pack any one figure over the other figures in that same wave that contain the rest of the parts to the same droid.

In Hasbro's defense on this issue, they ONLY Yarna in the Wave 1 cases. It's not like Yarna came mixed in with Wave 3 or Wave 4, so they packed her as lightly as they could under the constraints of the build-a-droid line.

Like Chewie said - figures like this would have been much better if left for a "battle pack" of some kind. They could have given us a ROTJ Jabba's Palace battle pack with an all new Jabba, new Oola and this Yarna figure and the entire set would have sold just based on Jabba alone.

Part of me is glad that they put her on a card since she was one of those figures that "almost" got made in the original Kenner line, but when I look at the sea of Yarna figures that are on the pegs now, I have to worry that her "failure" will eventually get back to Hasbro and deter them from releasing figures of obscure characters like her in the future.

I hope I'm proven wrong, but I think the exact same thing is going to happen with Willrow Hood. About the only reason a kid might want this figure is to complete the droid he has a part of.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Republic attack shuttle
« on: January 4, 2009, 08:47 PM »
I think this vehicle would have to be in the show A LOT before they consider it.

Afterall, look how much the Twilight is in the show and they are still reluctant to make that.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: January 4, 2009, 08:45 PM »
Actually, Hasbro has stated in their Q&As that they are going to be closely looking at how well the AT-TE and BMF perform through the holiday shopping season.

So, I would be willing to bet that we won't see or hear anything about another big item until SDCC 2009.

If we see something at Toy Fair 2009, then that just means that the item had been given the green light quite a while ago.

I could have sworn that I read somewhere that the BMF was in development for over a year (perhaps it was the latest Star Wars Insider article on it).

Like Pieter, I'm not much of a customizer myself. If I can boil and pop or swap heads then I'm ok. If I have get out a dremmel or paint then I avoid the project like the plague.

Like I posted in another thread, I made an Indy in a Suit custom by combining the TLC Indy with his Dad's arms, crotch & legs. That was a simple boil and pop.

I'm trying to find an Indy on Horse deluxe that I can take the legs and crotch from to combine with another TLC Indy to make a version that will sit well on the German motorcycle. I'm also going to take the head from that figure and combine it with the body of an Indy w/Ark deluxe figure for a quick-and-easy Streets of Cairo Indy figure.

I thought about trying Indy in German soldier disguise, but I'm going to hold out hope that one day, that figure will be released.

Can anyone share the Belloq in the White Suit receipe? I guess it's probably advanced since the only Belloq figure there is has the headress.

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