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Messages - PenDragon

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Seriously cool, Glass! I don't care for the vintage stuff myself, (tho' I still have my ROTJ figs from when I was 7 or 8), but you DO make them look pretty dern spiffy. Impressive work man.

And I especially love the VTSC Scout - Rykrof & his grey hair & helmet look top-notch! The technique you used on the helmet sound like it'd be painful for me, but judging form the results, it seems totally worth it. You make it look easy  ;)

I love the soft goods on that Aurra Sing, Finds - the pose is worthy of one of those 7" unleashed figs, and the red & metalic green look so very cool.  And shiny.... oooooo, da shiiiiiiny....    er, srry- I totaly blame the allergy meds -'tis the season.

Um, anyway:
Finds - very cool stuff & wonderful use of details & soft goods as always!

Darth Nirvana - thanks for the compliments - I don't get a chance to be on the computer often these days, so I don't post too much. But you can check out the May Group Project for a couple more customs that I've done recently - or Curto's Custom Alliance under the name "Top Cat" for a few older ones. I'm diggin' your Imperial Slave Ship crew - especially the Captain. Your use of the soft goods & those legs / boots is just plain cool.

Outrider - I love your ROTE work - the entire line (from RS on) is truly masterful.

Master_Phruby - Captain Lurch is fantastic. I'm a big fan of the leg ;D And the paint on the face looks crisp & clean. Slave Trader Baroness looks pretty cool too - very nice use of the Swan body & the arms are a great fit!

Fritzkrieg - that guy rocks! Perfect parts, great concept! I can't wait to see what you do with the poor soul on the other end of that whip...

Jeff - simple, elegant, nice work with the dry brush too. 20 minutes well spent, IMO ;)

The_Tin_Man - again, nice,  simple, and works great - and I love the one-armed Wookie! I'dleave him as is, or add a bandaged stump ;D

Only the coolest star fighter in the Clone Wars, or ever...

Here's a link to the Star Wars Databank entry.

No problem, man!

Oh, and here's my first entry, an easy to do Imperial that would look less recognizable with only a little work:

Head: Evo gray clone commander?
Gun: Jango Fett
Cane: Tion Medon
Everything Else: Veers

Back Story:
K, the way I figure it, I don't read the comics, I don't read the books. SO, if this has already been thought of, or if it flies in the face of what is 'possible,' so be it. It's just an exercise in creativity ;)

As the battle of Geonosis began to fade, a commando surveyed the arena's destruction. Out side of danger, he removed his helmet and looked upon the once-beautiful architecture with his own eyes. Something approaching joy filled his thoughts. A battle had been won. And it was good.

Now came the easy part, picking up the pieces. He would not stay for long. He knew he would be needed in another theater of this new war, and soon. But for now, he watched the bodies being moved for disposal or transport. He watched the Jedi recovering the remains of their brothers & sisters.

As he scaned the immediate area, a glint of the morning's soft orange light on polished metal captured his attention. Investigating, the commando unearthed one of Jango's fallen & discarded guns with his foot. Removing his gloves, he picked it up, moved it back & forth. He he felt it's weight in his hands, and let the rising sun reflect into his eyes again, and again.

New, unexpected thoughts wound their way into sections of the clone soldier's fortified barracks of a mind.  This had not been part of training. These feelings had not been part of his 2 yr existence, in which all that was supposed to be necessary for life had been flash-pumped into every molecule of his being. RC-421 looked out over the battle ground again. A battle had been won. And it was good. An enemy decapitated - in more than just the physical sense. And this too was good. But a father had been destroyed, made unsalvageable. And this was good? The answer was in his head without him having to think it. Yes, his father had been an enemy, that much had been made unavoidably clear. Free thought on this subject was at odds with the objective. But a young brother had been taken away...  No orders had been issued regarding this small one. And this, was this good?

Time Passes...

Somewhere along the line, certain clones of Jango Fett DID find the 'cure' for their short life spans. BUT, like all good paranoid dictators who overthrow democracy (because they think they know what's right for their wallets people) Palpitine ordered all the commander, ARC & commando clones destroyed soon after Order 66 was 'completed.' (Read your history - it's what happens.) Like the victims of the Jedi purge before them, some survived and went into hiding. There, in exile, some found ways to produce offspring. Tho' most of the children of the genetically despoiled clones died within the first few years of life, some were 'lucky' enough to live a full life of sorts, but with various genetic defects taking their toll. Their children, in turn, will find life difficult too, but easier than that of the past two generations. And they will be strong enough to avenge the destruction of their heritage.

This is one of the new breed of Mandalor. He takes his place in a seat of power in the new Empire; two generations removed from the time of the murderous betrayal of Palpatine. And though his forefathers had, at one time, comprised the entirety of the Grand Army of the Republic. No one knows his history. You see, history is writen by the winners. And there has been no winning side for almost a century. No one can place the appearance he has inherited from his now dead family. No one remembers the faces of his grandfathers.

Oooh, srry - that was a bit long - someone let me know if I need to keep it shorter... ;D

woah. :o

That's awesome work, CloneCommander1! Damn fine work on that face! Pretty cool concept over all too. But if I might make a sugestion or two? You might want to dremel the Veers' arm holes in a bit so that the ball-joint guard arms fit a bit better, and I might paint the shoulder armor, gloves,  & boots either black or white... but that's just my opinion  :P

I actually REALLY like the face - where's it from?

What the heck, I'll even throw in a parts list this time ;)

Head: Ewok Princess Leia
Torso : Barriss Offee, w/ sculpty collar & 'chest flap'
Rank Badge : Ozzel
Arms : Sub5 agent, Ankia (blue)
Hands: none yet
Gloves: Sub5 agent, Ankia (black - when I get another black one)
Belt(s) : Sub5 agent, Ankia (black) & a strip cut from a $0.98 WallyWorld "For Sale" sign (THANK YOU to whoever posted that idea here or at 'Scum or FFURG!)
Legs : Adi Gallia - with heavy dremel work
Pouches : some BBi dude
JumpSuit Trim: w/ the exception of the chest flap (sculpty), the pouches (bbi), and the forarms (Anika), all the rest of the trim was made from the "For Sale" sign

Things that I think still need work:
- black gloves
- regular hands
- dull Coat
- hair color needs tweaking
- belt needs touch up
- secondary forearm straps need ... something, but not silver
- eye brows need work
- chest trim touch up
- tighten bicep joints


click to enlarge

click to enlarge

click to enlarge


Not exactly dead on, but I'm OK with her  ;)

As always, thoughts, conjecture and derisive laughter are welcome; constructive criticism, helpful comments, & any ideas for improvements are quite appreciated!

Alright, after a work week from heck, helping a friend "emergency move" out of an apartment, and a couple of days of what I can only describe as allergies mixed w/ the flu, I can finnally take a moment to reply to things and post an almost done Daala. Thank goodness I don't have kids ;) Seriously, you parents are insane my heros!

Ooooh Pen, can i steal?  I really like the depa face... It works great.
Thanks, G-man! I'm honored that you found my idea worth while & helpful - you put her to use w/ stunning results! I'm with Finds on this one, if you make casts, consider me in line.  8)

Wow, Pen, that IS a Depa head, isn't it?  It works surprisingly well for Isard.  I don't think you have to add a rank badge -- there are plenty of reference pictures where she doesn't even have one.  If you're looking for things to do, though, you might paint the "riding crop" black, too -- might match her Imperial look better that way, and be distinguished from Mon Mothma's swizzle stick.
Thanks muchly Finds! And thanks for letting me bounce the idea off ya before I posted her here. It certainly helped.
As per your suggestions, I bought die for coloring the riding crop (and a few other things), and I've decided to leave off the rank badge.  I like the idea of Imp-Intel not needing them.
Oh, and I wanted to say that I'm pretty sure your Isard was the reason I used Anika. Yours made me want to use as many female part as possible. I wanted her arms to look slender & feminine, (like on your Isard's), and the rest went from there :)

Pen, I LOVE your figure.  I recognized the Annika parts, but the sculpy additions are amazing.  really a terrific job all around.  I only noticed those flaws after you pointed them out, but I'm sure the final version will be even more impressive.  Great, obscure choice of head with depa, makes her really look original.  Painting, sculpting is tops all around.
Thank you, L-Q! I'm glad you like the sculpty! I was pretty apprehensive about it at first - the stuff really isn't my strong point - but lord knows she needed it! ;) Thanks for commenting on it!

PenDragon - That Isard is just amazing... probably my favorite that anyone did. The parts choice was great, but the thing that really sets it apart for me is the paint scheme.  Just freaking amazing.
:'( *sniff* That is so cool! Thanks man! And as for the paint job, 'I learned it from watching you, CHEWIE, I learned from watching you!!!' Wow, I think I just dated myself, and probably offended someone... sorry ;D

Pen Dragon, please do post dalla when you get her done.

Those are awesome Glass! I'd post more (and I have a Daala almost done that i'd still like to post if it's ok) but I havn't managed to be on the computer much this past week  - and I'm at work right now (with others out sick), so I've not much time to say anything worth while. Just had to comment - they look much more realistic then mine & most other's I've seen. Nice work man!

Your concept figures are so damn awesome... I would buy them in a heartbeat... imagine if that was the direction the Unleashed went... wow.  I would also love to see all of these figures made by Hasbro that you've done in a 3-3/4" scale. 

I would like to second. Hasbro, if you're listening, hire glorbes. Damn it.

That is all.

I don't say "OMG" very often. But I believe now might be the right time...

The Slave one looks nice, like you said, the StormTrooper is a little rough, but I really do love the head sculpt anyway, (any thoughts on giving him a shield & light saber?), And  that concept 'Starkiller' is truly amazing (I was always facinated by that one)!

These are all amazing, man! The soft/lether/vinal goods are astoundingly awesome. Any chance we could get some group pics with Han, Chwie, Luke/Liea, & the droids? Or even just "Luke" & Vader?

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Female Figures List
« on: May 27, 2006, 12:33 AM »
DAMN. now I have like NO excuse to avoid army building the 'Women of StarWars' like I always wanted to... 
You people are horrid.

;) Seriously though, this is wonderful! Nice work! This is going to be an awesome (and very welcome) resource when we get a full list with pics up. Thanks for starting it, Rolla, and thanks for giving it the kick in the butt (that I knew you would as soon as I saw the thread), Finds!

Oh, and don't forget Agent Anika - the chest is absurd, (tho' it can be altered), but the arms and head are quite spiffy!


Dang M_P - that balloon solution is just suberb! She looks ready to kick some butt.

But to really look like Croft, I think she'd need some 'help' from SpyLounge ;)

How was the Elizabeth Swam head to work with? Easy? Difficult?

(And when someone thinks that these figures are bizarre/weird/stupid/etc. I would like to hear what in them makes them so weird. Thanks. ^^)

Well that's a compleatly valid request! Unfortunately for you, I happen to like these two ;)

I really like the spotty beard on Henry (who looks good over all). And I have to agree with you on your thoughts on Xentor Helros! He looks great.

Hey thanks for the comments M_P, Glass, Finds, BrentS, & D_E - I really enjoy all of your works, so it means a lot coming from you guys!

Oh, right, I forgot a recipe... a bit tired last night...

So, w/o further ado, I give you Mme Iceheart's part list:

: Depa Billaba
Hair : Sub5 agent, Ankia
Torso : Sub5 agent, Ankia, dressed up with a bit o' sculpty-induced modesty (but yes, still no fear of drowning ;) )
Arms : Sub5 agent, Ankia
Hands: not sure
Gloves: Sub5 agent, Ankia
Skirt : Admiral Ozzel (belt painted w/ gloss black)
Legs : Admiral Ozzel (boots painted w/ gloss black)
Pistol : Aurra Sing
Riding crop : ROTS Mon Mothma  ;)

Master_Phruby & Darth_Ennis: Here's what I will be changing:

1) the hair - the white flays out too much, it seems like it should come towards the center more. Also the hair needs to fall over the breasts a bit more naturally (imo)

2) the neck - not sure if the pics show it well, but there's a nasty neck gap between flesh and top of collar

3) imperial rank badge - maybe - what are your thoughts on it, EU-wise?

4) the belt -  it needs its silver parts touched up a bit

Again, thanks for your comments! I'm usually quite shy about showing unfinished stuff to people, but you've all (esp. Finds!) given me quite the ego boost  ;D

As always, ideas for improvements are quite welcomed!

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