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Messages - McMetal

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Received my Mando/Ahsoka/Grogu set from Amazon yesterday, and got a shipping notice from Pulse for Paz Favreau today.

Also purchased like $200 worth of crap online today with all the preorders going up. 3 new holiday figures, 3 new comic pack figures, 2 new Gaming Greats, etc etc. whew!

Surprise, surprise, surprise!  :D

Lots of finger pointing and armchair quarterbacking going on today. This really become a toxic subject the last few weeks to a level I’ve never seen Star Wars sink to, and that is saying something.

I feel like with the Rancor even most of us who backed it weren’t exactly thrilled with the value, especially the super lame tiers. So I never felt bitter about it not funding, nor begrudged anyone who chose not to back it. I totally got that.

But jfc, the insane hostility and hyper defensiveness from some of the people backing this thing was hard to stomach. Seems like a weird item to get so worked up about, but I guess some people need little provocation.

I think a lot of things are probably true here:

The base offering was just not that compelling. 50th anniversary of the character but they chose to put out a much later iteration that a lot of fans don’t connect with. Hard to capitalize on nostalgia with a character that new.

The Early Bird thing was a mistake. They really shot themselves in the foot once that failed to fund, and the bonus head they offered instead just seemed like a halfhearted capitulation. Either do it like Mattel, where only the people who back by a certain date get the Early Bird, or just skip it altogether. Otherwise once that fails to happen you have an instant perception of diminished value.

The timing was ill advised. People are generally more flush with cash in the spring,  and having to compete with the Eternia playset, AND that Transformers HasLab that recently launched did them no favors.

The tiers were so poorly executed it almost seemed like trolling. Hey, you’ve wanted Daemon Hellstrom for 20 years? Well here he is in a look no one recognizes. We can’t sell the Goblin Queen at retail because she’s too sexy, so instead here’s a super conservative interpretation that isn’t even comic accurate. Ditto with Mephisto.

I could go on, but what’s the point, this thing is old news now. Hopefully more lessons learned for the future!

Lol, they kept pronouncing it Damien too during the live stream, but it’s actually Daemon.  >:D

Ironic because that is a character I really, really want…but they chose the most obscure possible interpretation of him, from a video game and not even a comic. The classic version with the red cape would have been a much more exciting choice I think.

They’ve lost backers since the announcement, so I think the writing is on the wall. And I agree the TF announcement has probably cut into their business as well.

It’s getting ugly on some of the online forums…way worse than I recall it ever getting with the Rancor.

I really wish they had shown Malak without the mouthpiece.

Glad I didn’t get too far along with my Mara Jade custom!

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: October 27, 2022, 02:16 PM »
Okay, this episode was all kinds of cool... especially with the appearance of certain characters who I'll not name yet.

Also, another appearance of a vehicle that Hasbro could easily repaint and sell.  ;)

EDIT: Does anyone know what they were building on Narkina 5?

I bet I know who one of them is! But to be fair, I only learned that from Twitter after the fact. Very cool though.

Great to see Andy Serkis in a live action role too.

How dumb was Bix for not just running away as soon as she saw all the troopers around her friend’s place? I was like what are you waiting for girl??

I’m not sure what they were building either but for some reason I kept thinking it was parts for a Probe Droid.

Picked up my 187th Clone Trooper from Walgreens today at lunch. Super painless experience, glad I opted for that route.

Still no luck on the Halloween Clone Trooper around here though.

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Legends Haslab - Galactus
« on: October 21, 2022, 02:47 PM »
The Devourer of Worlds is now one state away and due to arrive tomorrow… :D

He. Has. Arrived!  :D

It only took me about five minutes into opening everything to realize this is now the best toy I own. Not just the biggest or most expensive, but the best. Along with the 6” TIE it’s the centerpiece of my whole collection now.

Now the fun part…setting up all my other Legends figures around him in an epic battle scene…   ;D

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe: Classified 6" Figure Line
« on: October 21, 2022, 12:06 PM »
Hey Brian, I still check in here and appreciate the info!

I had to forego collecting this line but have always thought they looked really cool. This week I took advantage of GameStop’s 50% off clearance sale and picked up Baroness, Lady Jaye, and 2 different Scarlets for under $40, tax included. Hard to pass that up, and they are even more impressive after opening them all.

I figure worst case they could make for some cool SW customs…

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Legends Haslab - Galactus
« on: October 20, 2022, 08:56 PM »
The Devourer of Worlds is now one state away and due to arrive tomorrow… :D

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: October 20, 2022, 08:55 PM »
Wow, lots going on in that episode! And Colonel (?) Yularen!

Was not eager to revisit Ferrix again but the scenes with him and Ma were good.

And man, I bet that whole BS with the Shoretrooper is gonna seem way too familiar to a lot of people.

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Legends Haslab - Galactus
« on: October 19, 2022, 05:41 PM »
Just got a “Your item has left the building” email from Hasbro about this guy, and an official FedEx tracking number. IT’S HAPPENING PEOPLE!!  :D ;D

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 2023 Kenner Retro Collection - ROTJ
« on: October 18, 2022, 04:35 PM »
I 100% agree with Rob, I would rather have Oola or someone like that. Are they planning to do a game pack-in figure like the last two?

Well, the MOTU Eternia playset has officially funded. It actually has more backers than the GR HasLab right now. (Was down to 5080 this morning) I continue to be surprised that some people are convinced this thing is not only going to fund, but hit all tiers. I mean, it might, but I don’t see a lot to inspire that kind of confidence right now.

In honor of the late Eddie Van Halen, a moment of silence for them dipping down to 5150 tonight.  ;)

Boba Fett in Disguise showed up today from Pulse. Cool figure, monochromatic look and all. Was surprised to see no plastic inside when you open the package like the other comic series figures have. Guess they will all be that way going forward…

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