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Messages - McMetal

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Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: 2011 TRU Force Unleashed Box Set
« on: August 4, 2011, 10:04 AM »
Anybody interested in just the Sith figures or want to sell their troops from this pack, please let me know. I want to army build the troopers.

I'd be interested in just the Phobos, for sure. Feel free to PM if you are able to find this...thanks!

The thing is, with all these canceled orders, shouldn't that have freed up more sets to be available for order on the website?

I wonder if they just didn't oversell this thing and are scrambling to find ways to reduce the number of orders they need to fill.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Wave 23 (2011 Fall Wave 1)
« on: August 3, 2011, 09:41 PM »
I have been checking out the new packaged photos on the Facebook page Yakface was kind enough to pimp...some interesting stuff. They have totally redesigned the packaging. The bubble is much bigger now and covers the whole bottom part of the card. The battle card and die are now positioned somewhat behind the figure rather than off to the side. And they have some kind of new tagline "Check out this gear online!" with arrows pointing to the accessories.

The packaging tweak definitely seems to work for the larger figures like Seripas, not so much the astromechs.

I'm curious where the new figs will show up first. Target seems likely since they are out so far ahead of the curve right now, but I could see it being Walmart too since the 2 seem to take turns being relevant. I believe it was TRU who got the last wave first, so maybe they will lead the way again.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: TRU Geonosian Warrior and Speeder
« on: August 3, 2011, 11:41 AM »
Posted this elsewhere, but does anyone have the Item #/SKU/UPC for this thing?

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: August 3, 2011, 11:40 AM »
Picked up three of the Geonosian w/Speeder Bike exclusive at Toys R Us this morning.

Also grabbed six of the Commander Blackout exclusive - four to open, two to keep MOC.

I am sick with envy, my Toys R Us SUCKS ASS and completely failed to stock any new toys this week whatsoever. I got there right when they opened too.

Pete, do you have the Item #/SKU/UPC for the Geonosian Speeder? I cannot find this on their website anywhere and suspect I will have to make an out of town trip to ever find this. TIA!

Yep, this whole thing sounds infuriating, most of all the BBTS aspect. They should be ashamed of themselves. Profiteers of human misery...just no way to spin that any other way.

This is why I can never take SW sites seriously that rail about "scalping" and have ridiculous "Collector Pledges" or whatever when the very sponsors that they pimp so hard are the WORST offenders. (Not talking about JD here)

It's just pouring salt on the wounds at this point, I hope Hasbro actually does something about it but I have no illusions that they actually will.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars General Battle Pack Thread
« on: August 3, 2011, 09:09 AM »
I just like the fact that in some of these new BP's they even tweaked the repack figures, like the dirty wash on Obi-Wan in the Geonosis set.

And I swear something looks different to me about the Anakin head sculpt in the Cad Bane's escape pack. Better.

"Just different enough to make you happy"


Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: 2011 TRU Force Unleashed Box Set
« on: August 2, 2011, 02:56 PM »
I guess that's why it just says The Force Unleashed on the packaging. Hasbro's presentation shows the TFUII logo on the slide.  :P

Hence my confusion...thnaks for clearing that up.

Have they announced any plans to make figures from TFU II?

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: 2011 TRU Force Unleashed Box Set
« on: August 2, 2011, 10:25 AM »
I have been playing TFU II on Wii for a couple of weeks now and cannot recall seeing any of these characters so far.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Ookla the Mook is Great!
« on: August 2, 2011, 08:28 AM »
Had to dig this one up again...I finally picked all three of the Thundarr Toynami figures up off of ebay. These have been on my Want List forever, along with those ridiculously pricey Herculoids sets. (You're next!)

LOL at the $15 price tag in 2003, I bought all of them in a lot for $100 and felt good about it. They'd be even more expensive individually.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Latest vintage acquisition
« on: August 1, 2011, 11:13 PM »
Yeah, that's an insanely awesome haul, I am totally drooling! When I made the decision to complete my vintage collection I decided to go loose, but I have a few boxed vehicles and it really does add a lot to the nostalgia factor.

And I hear you on the Shuttle - my White Whale is the vintage AT-AT, never owned it as a kid, always wanted it. I've purposely left it as the last piece of my collection to complete. The only other non-figure piece I need is the ATL Interceptor.

Your Slave I looks cherry. pretty much like the virgin A-Wing I just received, complete with untouched sticker sheet. I learned the hard way you are better off leaving those on the sheet.

Your photos remind me I need to upgrade my Dewback reins too, mine have broken with age. :(

Thanks for sharing!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line
« on: August 1, 2011, 09:06 PM »
I think I recall them indicating they had both been pushed back to a later wave, but no time frame was given.

Are they pictured on the back of the Y-Wing package? I can't recall...

I would expect both will make it out before the end of the year. As long as they don't get jammed up by all those repack waves that are shipping. I mean, wasn't Target JUST clearancing these stinkers in the old packaging? (Bane + Speeder, Obi + Freeco, etc)

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: August 1, 2011, 02:28 PM »
Another huge swath of fruitless lunch runs. This time I found 2 more Targets in the process of resetting but they both had the EXACT same cruddy selection - Wave 3 Rapid Strike (All repacks, the 4way box of suck) and the BP Wave 1 or the wave WITH Zillo Beast and WITHOUT Droid Capture.  ::)

This mini Y-Wing and Droid Capture BP continue to elude me. I'd actually like to keep the Y-Wing if I can find it at the sweet price, and open the one I got from HTS.

I shouldn't even want that stupid repack BP but the completist in me screams for it.

I did see a few more Attack Shuttles and have no qualms about waiting on this one. I have a strong feeling these are not exactly going to fly off the shelves, no pun intended.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: August 1, 2011, 09:38 AM »
Yeah, honestly I am not all that worked up about it, I am still sort of disgusted in general with Hasbro right now, so I'm not sweating so much having to wait on the new toys.

I think the most frustrating thing for me is just the inconsistency. I stopped at the 2 closest Targets to me over the weekend and not only had they not reset, they had no stock of the new BP's, Rapid Strike Vehicles, Republic Attack Shuttle, or the RC Tank. So even if they wanted to re-organize they have no new product to put out.

I understand the pallet deal, but I have found when that is the case they can at least confirm that they have a count on the DPCI, they just can't determine the location anywhere.

Just from reading store reports around the Web, it seems like most of the Targets around here are lagging badly. We only have 1 that I have seen so far which has completed their reset. One location I spoke to last week said their resets generally take a few days but there has been no progress since then.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Republic Artillery? Hells Yeah!
« on: August 1, 2011, 09:27 AM »
I took a few pics of this last night, it is surprisingly cool. A lot of fun here with the posable legs, flip out wheels and gunner station. I think it is going to do pretty well at retail.

Jayson, did you find this at a brick and mortar reatil outlet? Which one?

I think I saw another report on RS last night that someone had found this, but I've not seen it anywhere yet.

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