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Messages - Nicklab

Pages: 1 ... 396 397 398 399 400 [401] 402 403 404 405 406 ... 784
Feedback / Re: Nicklab's feedback
« on: October 26, 2012, 05:39 PM »
Another great transaction with Nick.  Thanks for hooking me up with some $5 wave 5 figures!

Happy to help!

The Vintage Collection / Re: TRU Vintage Box Millennium Falcon
« on: October 26, 2012, 05:32 PM »
Wow. I'm scared about what they're going to price the At-At at.

I wonder if TRU will up the price on the existing AT-ATs that are currently gathering dust? It would be funny to see the Hoth ATAT at one price and the Endor one for $100 more.

Well, those black boots on the Endor AT-AT Driver are the PERFECT reason to plunk down a lot more cash for that version of the AT-AT, silly!

Collector's Tips / Re: Wall Paint in your collecting room.
« on: October 26, 2012, 05:30 PM »
I haven't even thought about painting.  Will probably just stay with what the house is already done in.  Need to get on the ball about shelving though - that's my issue.  Currently have only 3 Detlofs set up and just tons and tons of boxes....   :-\

Paint is the easiest and cheapest way to really change a room around.  And if you're ambitious, you can try to set up some sort of a theme.  Will it look like a movie set?  That depends on how ambitious you want to get.  But combining decent paint with good lighting will give your collection some pop when you're setting up displays.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Mandalorian Troop Shuttle
« on: October 26, 2012, 05:25 PM »
I was at the Times Square TRU in NYC earlier today.  No sign of these at the flagship store, either.

The Bullpen / Re: Thor: The Toys!
« on: October 26, 2012, 05:11 PM »
Yeah, that version of the Destroyer was basically a comic repaint of the original version.  Nothing spectacular, really, and not very rare either.

However, there was another Destroyer released by Hasbro as part of a 6" or 8" figure line.  There were just 2 figures in the line:  Thor and the Destroyer.  And truthfully, that Destroyer is probably closer to the actual scale of the Destroyer as we see it in the Thor film.  I only just saw this one recently at 5 Below.  And for $5, I felt like a more scale accurate Destroyer would be a nice addition.

Onto more modern Thor goings on, it sounds like more info has been leaked about Thor - The Dark World.  And based on that, it may be possible that we could see a Jane Foster figure (Natalie Portman).  Will all of the Padme fans here be taking notice in that event?

Collector's Tips / Re: Wall Paint in your collecting room.
« on: October 26, 2012, 12:49 PM »
I don't think wall paint is quite so much the issue in a collection room.  Generally speaking, lighter colors do aid in making a room look bigger.  However, with a collection, the lighting can make a dramatic difference in how your displays look.

Track lighting that you can focus on your shelves is a great start.  But with LED lights, you can also set up some lighting on the underside of shelves that will really make your displays look great.  It's a little bit of an investment and will take a little work, but you're sure to like the results.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NHL Offseason
« on: October 26, 2012, 12:25 PM »
I wonder if they'll become the Brooklyn Islanders?  I'd kinda dig that.

I doubt they'll change the name.  For the Nets, a name change totally made sense.  When they were in the ABA they actually played in NYC and were the New York Nets.  Then they moved across the river to the Meadowlands in Jersey and because of that they became the New Jersey Nets.  And with the move to Brooklyn, Jay-Z's association with the team combined with a pretty strong sense of Brooklyn pride, it made sense to call the Nets the Brooklyn Nets.

As for the Islanders?  Technically, they'll still be on Long Island.  And in New York state as well as the city, now.  I can't see a name change really benefitting them all that much.  The new arena should definitely spark some interest in the team.  At least, until they start playing and their record starts reminding people why the Islanders have become the red-headed step children of NYC area hockey teams.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NHL Offseason
« on: October 25, 2012, 09:59 PM »
The Islanders had apparently been trying to stay in their old home (the Nassau Colliseum), but the ownership totally recognized that the facility was outdated and falling apart.  So, the team tried to find public financing to either rennovate or replace the existing arena.  It went to a bond vote, and the voters of Nassau county voted against the measure.  Out of the three NYC metro area teams the Islanders are definitely not rolling in dough.  So it seemed that without public financing a new arena was out of the question.

So what happens?  The New Jersey Nets get bought by a Russian billionaire (and a minority stake for JayZ), and they find a new home in Brooklyn.  The New Jersey home of the Nets had never really developed a loyal fanbase, but the move to Brooklyn might bring that.  Add in a brand new arena, and there's going to be a lot of interest.  Almost every concert at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn has been news since the arena opened up.

So what do the Islanders do?  There's a brand new arena 15 miles from their current home, and it might just be free a few nights a week in the in winter.  Personally, I can't see how they wouldn't go for that deal.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Iron Man (Movie and Sequels)
« on: October 25, 2012, 02:21 PM »
There's been an ongoing theme of Tony drinking through all of the films.  In the first film, cocktails with the generals after the missile demo, and the benefit scene.  In the second film there's his birthday party scene where he clearly gets out of control.  And in Avengers he's drinking while talking with Loki.  So the groundwork for Stark's alcoholism has at the very least been established. 

The trailer seems as though someone wants to take EVERYTHING from Tony.  Perhaps that loss will be the catalyst to develop a storyline which looks more closely at the alcoholism issue? 

But in that respect, we may not have some of the other plot devices available that the comic writers had.  Case in point:  there was a point in the comics where Tony Stark gave up being Iron Man.  He handed the mantle over to Jim Rhodes at that point while he dealt with his drinking problem.  And at that point in time, nobody knew Iron Man's secret identity, so having Rhodey fill in as Iron Man worked.  It wasn't until after Stark had come back as Iron Man that a new suit was developed specifically for Rhodes, and he became War Machine.  But that storyline isn't possible since the films have done their own thing with regard to the timeline.

Middle Earth / Re: The Hobbit - Toy Line
« on: October 24, 2012, 08:54 PM »
The shelf placement alone seems to be marginal at the stores where I saw them.  Not a whole lot of shelf space to begin with.  Perhaps 2 feet, tops, and it's mid aisle.  There's no endcap presence, or banners.  And with the movie less than 2 months out, I would expect a more concerted promotional push. 

With BD being relatively new to the boys toys world, I think they might have some challenges facing them.  But these are looking serious.  They may have some old ToyBiz people on board, but it doesn't look like they're making much headway in merchandising with Toys R Us.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: X-Men/Wolverine Movies
« on: October 24, 2012, 03:17 PM »
A trailer for The Wolverine appears to be coming soon.  This teaser was posted to YouTube a couple of days ago, and it sounds like promotion for this movie is about to ramp up.

Does anyone think that we're going to see a toy line for this movie that's similar to what we saw for the first solo Wolverine movie?

The Vintage Collection / Re: TRU Vintage Box Millennium Falcon
« on: October 24, 2012, 03:05 PM »
That kind of pricing is pretty ridiculous.  If you already have the Falcon and you do this, you're paying $250.  FOR A BOX.

If MOMC/MIMB collectors bite at this, I will be utterly amazed.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Iron Man (Movie and Sequels)
« on: October 24, 2012, 01:35 PM »
I watched the trailer last night.  The dialogue from Tony that acknowledged the events of The Avengers was interesting.  It seems like they definitely want to maintain some continuity in the Marvel universe.  As for the other dialogue?  I'm wondering if that was James Badge Dale, who I believe might be playing the Iron Patriot.  And the shots of Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin?  Those were interesting, albeit I was surprised to see him with a pistol.

I'm sure we'll see some more trailers in a couple of months.

Middle Earth / Re: The Hobbit - Toy Line
« on: October 24, 2012, 01:32 PM »
They must be planning a multipack down the line that's going to feature Bilbo, Gandalf and all of the dwarves.  But I think that Bridge Direct wants to get several other individual figures and multipacks out there before they make that particular offering.

Middle Earth / Re: The Hobbit - Toy Line
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:32 AM »
I saw some more of the line at TRU tonight.  And perhaps my initial sighting of the basic carded Bilbo was an anomoly, or I saw a bad batch of figures.  Because the individually carded Bilbo figures from the 3.75" scale line looked much better, and far less glossy than what I had previously seen.

I also saw a 5 pack that features Bilbo, Thorin, Kili, Fili & Dwalin.  That looked okay.  I also saw the deluxe Warg & Orc, as well as some 2-packs.  But I have to say, I'm a little surprised that there are a couple of different price points for the 2-packs.  Prices for 2-packs with Biblo and Gollum were less expensive than the set that features Gandalf and the albino Orc.  It comes across a little odd.  Why not find a middle ground in terms of the price point, and just offer a single line of figure 2-packs?

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