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Messages - McMetal

Pages: 1 ... 225 226 227 228 229 [230] 231 232 233 234 235 ... 459
The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: Upcoming Black Series figures?
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:33 PM »
Wish there were pics of Vader with the helmet on, def looks great even without though. The Speeder Scout looks amazing, really most of the stuff does. Even Anakin looks passable, better than the earlier photos at least.

So no point in buying the single carded Jabba then?

The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: 6" Black Series Deluxe Line
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:28 PM »
Man, I love it, but they gotta put something else in that box! At least some frogs to snack on, the pipe, bowl, whatever.

So how much would the dais/Crumb set go for at SDCC? Maybe they could throw Oola in there to add some value?

Any estimated ship date on either of these deluxe items?

The Black Series 3.75" / Re: Toy Fair 2014
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:22 PM »
I'm curious, what 2 Clones for TCW final season were they planning?  Hmmm...  That's interesting, and will be a topic of some debate since they're eating up some 4" slots.

One kind of looked like Wolffe, but not exactly.  The other was more of a green color, kind of like Captain Lock or whatever his name was, but Phase II for both.  Also sounds like that lost Captain Rex will hit the Black Series too later this year finally.

I would guess one would have to be ARC Trooper Fives as he plays a prominent role in "Season 6". Not sure about the other guy but haven't seen any photos yet to ID either. I wish they would use the original TCW ARC Trooper sculpt...that thing was perfect.

Great to get these two guys though, and even better to hear Rex may finally be on the way.  :)

The Black Series 3.75" / Re: The Black Series 3.75" - Wave 4
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:15 PM »
Any confirmations on the assortment for this wave? Bastila redux?

The Black Series 3.75" / Re: The Black Series 3.75" - Wave 6
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:14 PM »
Nice, Doallyn somehow seems a little less exciting than expected, but a definite buy nonetheless. Finally a homeboy to chill with Rumsleg!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything eBay! Scams, questions, etc...
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:12 PM »
Yes, they frown upon outside deals for obvious reasons ($) but I'm not sure how aggressive they are in pursuing violations, scanning emails and so forth. Nothing would surprise me though.

I'm pretty much the same as Greg, typically I am not interested in doing side-deals as I put I lot of time and thought into my pricing up front and don't have a lot of wiggle room with my margins. Most of the offers I seem to get are pretty far below whatever savings I would recoup in fees too. But I have done it on occasion  and am certainly not averse to people asking.

1:6 Scale Figures and Collectibles / Re: Hasbro Kids 12" Figure Line
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:05 PM »
So wait, there are FIVE upcoming Rebels 12" figures? Looks like it anyway. They must really be banking on this scale for some reason.

As much as I had planned to scoff, those actually look way better than any of the previous 12" figures IMO. I will probably end up buying all of these. And then complaining about no Zeb.

Don't judge me!  ;D

Saga Legends / Re: Saga Legends "Mission Series" Figure 2-Packs
« on: February 15, 2014, 10:51 PM »
Missed another good opportunity to get some Clone Wars inspired characters out there, rats.

That Zeb/Stormtrooper pack looks insanely awesome though, articulation be damned. I'm doubling down on those no question.

Great pics, Jeff!

Other Toy Lines / Re: Terminator (Aliens, Predator, Etc.)... 4" Scale.
« on: February 15, 2014, 08:51 AM »
I saw the new NECA Big Chap figure at TRU yesterday, the one with the frosty white dome. Looked pretty nice.

Other Toy Lines / Re: ReAction Lines
« on: February 15, 2014, 08:50 AM »
I think the Horror stuff looks pretty great, think they will do well with those. The Firefly figures aren't atrocious, but man, those BTTF figs are not good at all.

I'm kind of on the fence with the Pulp Fiction stuff, love the cardbacks and the figure selection, but kind of hit or miss with the execution. Gimp is a must though.

Strikes me as odd to have 1-2 figure waves too, guess they are just testing the waters. Hope they have more Escape from NY stuff in the pipeline.

Was wondering when these would hit retail...I can't wait to start hunting down the sure to be elusive storm trooper. Getting closer...

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Six?
« on: February 14, 2014, 04:17 PM »
I have unlimited streaming for only $7.99/mo - best babysitter EVAR!

Here is another shot of the HD selection, I'm not sure McMetal where you saw that HD wasn't supported.

Huh, all i see is the red X but I will look again when I get home. We had a free trial a few months ago and there was no HD content available for streaming through our Wii.

Star Wars Rebels / Re: Star Wars Rebels Saga Legends Figures
« on: February 14, 2014, 04:16 PM »
I like it, but mostly due to the fact that it is clearly more animated style as I had hoped for. I didn't catch all the glaring errors like Pete did, but he makes some good points. Skimping on articulation is one thing but some of that stuff is just plain lazy.

Figures that Lego is already leaving them in the dust by having a more interesting selection of characters in their first 2 sets. Where's my Twilek chick or that weird purple dude?

Vintage Kenner / Re: Latest vintage acquisition
« on: February 14, 2014, 04:11 PM »
Picked up a loose Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset. It is missing the hatch door, the gun, and most important to me the top part of Vader's chamber. That said it was less than $10 total. Hopefully with some patience I can get the other pieces cheap. I am, however, the type of person who is willing to pay a little more total if I can pay in "installments" so I am happy.

I might have a lot of that stuff for you...let me check when I get home. I have doubles of the SD playset along with the Ewok village.

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