Author Topic: Unleashed figures  (Read 160080 times)

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #750 on: July 19, 2005, 05:10 PM »
I'm just awaiting the inevitable catastrophic verbiage from Ebay sellers to start now that it's been confirmed the line is "on hiatus."


or we'll get this gem...



Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #751 on: July 24, 2005, 12:23 PM »
Just had a wonderful conversation with this mouthbreather Target employee an hour or so ago.  Usually I don't disparage employees like I just did in the previous sentence, because I know they're only doing their jobs.  However, this guy decided to "exercise his Target authority" and insult my intelligence, and so the struck-through insult is warranted and, literally, accurate.

Here's the conversation verbatim.  I would like to point out that I remained polite and calm during the entire conversation, and that he was the only one who got "bent out of shape:"

DOCTOR PADAWAN:  Excuse me sir, I was wondering if you might be able to help me.

TARGET EMPLOYEE:  I guess.  What do you need?

DP:  Could you scan a barcode and see if you have any more of a particular assortment for me?

TE:  Sure, what are you looking for?

DP:  I'm looking for figures from this particular line of figures (referring to the new Unleashed, which have yet to show up, partially due to the 6 Obi-Wans and Anakins on the pegs), but not these particular figures.  Since the pegs are so full, I didn't know if you might have more of the assortment I am looking for in the back.

TE:  I can check to see if we have more, but I can't look for a particular figure.

DP:  Yes sir, I understand.  If you're not able to go back and look for a particular figure or bring them out, that's fine.  I was just curious if you had any more of the assortment in the back and I could come back in a few days when they may have been stocked. 

TE:  I can't go in the back and look for a particular figure.

DP:  I understand that sir and I appreciate your help, but I am willing to drive back out here later this week if I know that you have more in the back that may be stocked at a later date.

TE:  (failing to grasp what I am asking and stating)  I can't go looking for a particular figure! 

DP:  I understand, sir, I was just wondering if you could scan the barcode to see if there are more so I would know whether to make another trip here later in the week and...


DP:  (biting my tongue)  Okay, thank you for you help, sir.

Needless to say I walked out of there without doing my normal shopping that I had planned on doing due to this employee's rudeness and attempts to avoid doing something that he had agreed to do.  I love how it went from "Sure, no problem" to "I can't check in the back" to "I can't scan the barcode" to "WE DON'T HAVE ANY" within the space of a minute.  At no point in time did I raise my voice or express irritation with the man, nor do I think I did not clearly explain what I was asking.  Thankfully, this is an exception to the rule at this Target, as every other employee outside of Senor Droolcup has been helpful and friendly with me (even if they do look at me funny coming in and leaving without buying anything most of the time).

Sheesh, between this guy and Amazon's apparent inability to actually fill orders for this wave, I'm ready to resort to Ebay if things don't look up soon.   ::)

Offline MetalJedi

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #752 on: July 24, 2005, 12:35 PM »
That is just ridiculous, I would of went to electronics. They always scan stuff for me and go to the back without any question. I've only come across 1 Asajj from this wave. An collector friend of mine picked up the Vader for me. And I was really close to picking up the Yoda vs Sidious at Comic-Con but could bring myself to pay 40 bucks(the cheapest for that one there) for it.

I think it sucks that e-tailers won't sell them in singles just cause they are afraid of getting stuck with more of one than another.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2005, 12:35 PM by MetalJedi »
I remember my dream now.

Offline knashdx

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #753 on: July 25, 2005, 08:35 AM »
DoctorPadawan -

Being a Target employee I can say this...Sales Floor Associates are a bunch of DUMB ASSES!!!

The best way to avoid **** like this is to go to the Service Desk. The best part is that if you go there they can contact the back stock room and they might even bring you the figures you are looking for. I have done this at stores other than the one I work at and most of the time the back stock room has found what I am looking for.
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Offline ruiner

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #754 on: July 25, 2005, 05:40 PM »
Man, what a crazy story DP!

It's amazing, sometimes you can find a really cool sales associate and other times you find a complete *******.

I mean seriously, if someone came up to me politely asking for SW figures, I would check for them irregardless of the policy - what good is the product if it's sitting in the backroom?

I'd rather it went home with a collector than an ebay scalper.

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #755 on: July 25, 2005, 07:53 PM »
Well, first of all, my Amazon order was cancelled.  This has to be the worst experience I've ever had with Amazon/ hands down, and if it weren't for the fact that the nearest TRU is about an hour away and pretty much has an open back-door for the local dirtbags (if you get my meaning), I'd cancel the Obi-Wan Starfighter I have on order right now with them too.  I'm going to seriously consider not purchasing anything from Amazon again as far as toys go.  Congratulations to those of you who actually got your figures from them, as you appear to be in the minority.

Why take preorders for an item or items when you're not going to use it as a gauge to see how many of those items you should be ordering?  It makes no sense to me and a quick scan of that other site's thread on the Amazon situation leads me to believe that the shipment or cancellation of parts of or entire orders is being done randomly (people who placed their orders early on are having their orders cancelled, while people who placed them later in the month of April have received their orders in full).  I wouldn't be at all surprised to see all this other stuff they've put up for preordering over the last month or two (namely the Evolutions sets) fall victim to this "preorder doesn't guarantee you'll get it" mentality either.

I'd rather it went home with a collector than an ebay scalper.

Well, to retailers, they don't care who gets it, as they get the same amount of money if one person buys 20 figures than if 20 people buy one figure each.  In many cases, employees will even get a cherry on top* from someone who buys all 20 from the store.  The problem with this is that retailers guard that backroom stock like it's the goddamned Ark of the Covenant and if someone should (GASP!) ask about buying something that they haven't stocked and actually have in the backroom, the entire world will collapse in on itself.  Logic implies that if it's in the back storage room and not on the shelves, Target or TRU or Wal-Mart isn't going to make any money from it.

When it enters the stock room, it should be available for purchase (with exceptions, like street dates for CDs or DVDs or books), no questions, no ifs, ands, or buts.  None of this cloak-and-dagger secrecy garbage.  It doesn't take a genius to realize that me buying three 15 dollar figures that are not being stocked because of space concerns gives the store 45 dollars and change, while an employee who refuses to even look (after saying he would) for an item results in the store not getting a single penny from me at all that day.

And on a lighter note, Wal-Mart or K-Mart had better get this wave of Unleashed FAST or else I'm up **** creek sans paddle.

*if you don't get this, watch "Jackie Brown"

Offline Brian

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #756 on: July 26, 2005, 09:03 AM »
I still haven't heard anything from Amazon on my Unleashed order, but I'm guessing I will get a cancellation sometime soon as well.  There hasn't been any change in my status (shipping between June 10 and June 28) for quite some time now, and I haven't heard of anyone receiving their order for awhile now either.  I'm not holding out much hope.  This is the first time this has happened to me personally with Amazon, but I've heard a number of people's stories that this is somewhat frequent with various collector lines.  I hope the same thing doesn't happen with the Evolutions sets, or if it does that they are at least easy to find at retail for everyone.

Offline knashdx

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #757 on: July 26, 2005, 09:11 AM »
I was fortunate enough to find all 3 of the latest Unleashed figures on the shelf at a Target on the 4th of July, but I have only seen Ventress one other time since then and that was the following day at the store I work at. I have a bad feeling that this most recent release and the next release of Unleashed are going to be as scarce as the Sing, IG-88 & Stormtrooper release. Since they are killing the 6" line of unleashed and going with the smaller figures.
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Offline JesseVader08

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #758 on: July 26, 2005, 12:09 PM »
I pre-ordered the Wave 2 Unleashed wave as well, but tried a Canadian e-tailer, so I'm hoping I have a little better luck than you guys have had with Amazon (they don't ship toys to Canada).

Apparently, they are supposed to be in stock at this week -- keeping my fingers crossed.   :-\

Offline ruiner

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #759 on: July 26, 2005, 02:00 PM »
Like I said before, I preordered the latest Unleashed wave from Joel and and he delivered.  And to my disadvantage, I ordered it late - like two weeks ago!

With that being said, I preordered the last wave from the same site.  The price isn't exactly brick and mortar retail, but with gas prices the way they are and lack of time available for toy shopping around town, it's not a bad deal.

Offline JesseVader08

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #760 on: July 26, 2005, 02:24 PM »
The price isn't exactly brick and mortar retail, but with gas prices the way they are and lack of time available for toy shopping around town, it's not a bad deal.

Same situation for me.  The price I paid is $2 more than retail up here ($26.99 instead of $24.99), so I really can't complain.  Like you said, when you take into account the price of gas and the time it takes to check the stores, I'm probably getting a deal.  (Of course, having to pay $24.99CDN as "retail" up here, that I can always complain about.  ;))

Offline Brian

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #761 on: July 26, 2005, 02:26 PM »
I'm considering ordering the next wave from, especially after hearing the good luck you guys have had with them.  Although some people aren't real excited about the last wave being somewhat rehashed (or revised), I personally would really like to get that Han Stormtrooper figure.

Offline jr87mustang

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #762 on: July 26, 2005, 09:46 PM »
Hello Everyone,
This is my first post here, I am glad I finally find an awsome forum about the Unleashed line!! You guys and gals have some great info. ;D

My friend and I pre-ordered from Amazon like most of you did, but had the luck of getting our two Vaders and one Yoda.  They arrived last week in ok condition,  too bent up for me.  BUT to my surprise, I walked into Wal-Mart today to find six cases of the little guys.  I was so excited I just stared for a second.  Imagine six whole cases of these things on the shelves.  Anyways  I started sifting through them and came up with only ONE of each figure in C-9 condition.  Every other figure was so bad that I would only buy them to open. I couldn't believe how bent and smashed they were.

In my opinion years down the road its not going to a particular figure, its going to be the ones that are in top condition that will be expensive.

Anyways another good score I had about 2 weeks ago was at .   I found the Stormtrooper, IG-88, Sing wave there for $70.00 shipped to my door!!  They were all in about C-9 condition.  Very surprised.

Also, I live in Northern Cali. , no not San Fransisco, and I talked to the Target toy manager that is a freind of a friend, and he said that most Targets are getting rid of the first ROTS toys right now and on August 1st they have a huge shipment of new stuff coming.  Don't know if this is true, but check your local Targets just in case!!
Anyone got a ben for sale??

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #763 on: July 26, 2005, 10:43 PM »
I guess I'll be the first to say welcome to the boards, jr!  I think you'll enjoy it here, so take a look around at some of the other forums, and feel free to ignore my consistently paranoid ramblings.  ;D

I for one really want to thank you for letting us know that Wal-Marts have gotten the new Unleashed wave, because at this point, that seems to be my only real option for them.  I'll definitely be keeping a closer eye on WM now that I know they (hopefully) will be getting them around my area.  :)

Offline JediMAC

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Re: Unleashed Again
« Reply #764 on: July 26, 2005, 11:53 PM »
Welcome to JD, mustang!  Glad you found you way in here.  Nice score on that deal for Stormtrooper wave there!  You'll see by my signature that I'm looking for the same ones myself.  I would've probably jumped on that deal a couple weeks ago, had I known about it.  Did manage to work out an IG-88 in trade last week, for about $22, so that's not too bad.  I could probably live without Aurra, since I mostly just pick up the OT figures from this line.  But damn, that stupid Stormtrooper's gonna be a thorn in my side for some time to come, I bet...  :-\

Also, I live in Northern Cali. , no not San Fransisco, and I talked to the Target toy manager that is a freind of a friend, and he said that most Targets are getting rid of the first ROTS toys right now and on August 1st they have a huge shipment of new stuff coming.  Don't know if this is true, but check your local Targets just in case!!

I've heard the same thing, that Targets are doing a major toy section reset on August 1st, and a lot of new stuff is going to put out.  By the way, you should stop by our Northern California/Bay Area Finds thread.  One of our staff members here, Tydirium, just moved up that way, and is growing anxious for some discussion on local finds up there!  ;)

- Matt