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Messages - Quazar

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well, I committed the big sin of not reading everyone else's post before putting my own.

Ryan already talked about the niubniub stuff.

I also missed the "original planet" idea, which I think is best.  That way, you're not shooting for some arcane EU world, but creating something new that everyone can participate in and feel a part of.

A combination of a town with an Imperial base within it sounds like a solid idea.  Lots of "civlian" and fringe characters, plus loads of imperials.  And maybe the town is in or on the edge of a wilderness, so you can add plants and wildlife and varied terrain.

The thing is, Tatooine is the most famous and most iconic planet in SW history.

Coming up with something really obscure, especially if it hasn't even been on-screen, seems like a bad idea.  Just not very accessible or recognizable.  Why create something if no one knows what it is?

Tatooine also feels, frankly, like the easiest idea.

I think the only real drawback is that it's been done before - Niubniub's amazing group Tatooine project from, I think, Celebration II.

He also did a Death Star group project, as well.  Both of those were great successes.

If not Tatooine or Death Star, the next best idea would probably be Hoth.  I can't imagine it would be feasible to do something as complex as Coruscant.

Anyway,  just one man's opinion....

Not bad at all. Simple, but effective.

I almost think you should have painted the body in more vivid colors, though, since at first I wasn't even sure you had painted it, as it is pretty close to the original.

That's hardly a fair criticism, though.  On its own, it looks quite good.

Making custom cards doesn't really seem to be a high priority for the customizers on this particular forum.

I can't remember the last time someone posted a custom card or custom carded figure.


Quazar, what do you have in mind for our Pimp Daddy?

the quintessential L.A. experience.  I'll say no more.  :)

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Shadowstalker - Preview
« on: June 16, 2006, 01:32 AM »
while obviously short, this is a very tantalizing and intriguing "teaser".  A nice twist on the seemingly ubiquitious "clone" stories.  Can't wait to see this baby debut!

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Rykrof Enloe PN previews
« on: June 16, 2006, 01:31 AM »
For me personally, "Slaughter On Muunist" was where the series really started to take off and when I knew we were truly witnessing something special.

"Crisis on Abridon" was a great story and a great start.  But then there was a long delay until "Underground Resistance", which I thought was a slight let down, as the focus was more on the events of "Phantom Menace" with Rykrof as a by-stander.

"Anti Jedi" was very cool, but I felt the ending was a bit odd - with Shundi just snapping his fingers and putting the characters to sleep just when some real conflict was about to heat up.

But "Slaughter" was an excellent chapter and a harbinger of things to come - action, intrigue, great characterizations & complex storylines.  That's when I knew Chewie & Rykrof weren't just some passing fancy.  They're the real deal.

I love it!!!

Findswoman, great, great job!  the reception is fantastic.  It's terrific seeing all of your lovely female customs together at the same time.  Extremely funny and creative.  the set is great, the customs are beautiful and the story and dialogue are tres drole.

Quick question, though, doesn't Eloise live at the Plaza, not the Four Seasons?  ;)

I enjoyed the neighborhood images, too.  Very pictaresque.  Wonderful job all around.

(and, p.s. I'm next!  Yipee!)

^Yeah, me too.  but I have had some slow weeks....

I went to probably 10 sites last night searching for backgrounds.  I think this is the one that had that pic -



I do that all the time, but haven't found much to use lately.  What are your fav sites??

Which Padme??

Very, very cool custom.  Excellent job.  Love the look of this guy.  Great backstory, too.


That is the most gorgeous cantina I've ever seen!!!

excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor...

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE #3 - ANTI JEDI (final edition)
« on: June 13, 2006, 02:31 PM »
I like this update, but i don't like the conversation about the Kamino clones, it's too much.  The older version was a little more subtle, more effective.

Modern Classifieds / Re: FREE stuff! Seriously!!!
« on: June 13, 2006, 02:55 AM »
sorry, folks.  store closed for now.

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