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Messages - Jesse James

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Classic Target

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC Deluxe TM Paz Vizsla
« on: April 24, 2023, 01:42 AM »
Paz had been seen in hand oveareas before his PO went up so I can’t say I’m shocked he’s shipping from someone sooner rather than later.

As is tradition Disney late to the party… possibly by months.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC Mando N-1 Starfighter
« on: April 11, 2023, 04:26 PM »
Sold out on Amazon now too

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: February 12, 2023, 03:38 PM »
Interesting discussion on this on social media recently… I don’t think TVC survives without some corner cuts.  I know it’s not popular with collectors and sometimes I’m annoyed by them too, but I think we don’t get much without it I’m afraid.

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2022 Droid Factory Advent Calendar
« on: January 9, 2023, 01:51 AM »
Dude that sucks hard.  The pic didn’t load but I hope it wasn’t the DHL droid.  That one was the best imo.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: November 19, 2022, 10:03 PM »
I’d be cool with a TIE Defender but it’s kinda obscure at this point imo.  I mean I love it but Rebels isn’t very current and TIE Fighter even less so.  I dunno what is good to rally behind besides Cantinas and Death Stars… Cantina in the realm of the JP is what I’d probably prefer right now, just personally.  But I’m open to whatever they’d throw at us I guess.

I got several of the set to have some NEDs  to hang around.  Agreed it sucks he doesn’t have his hammer, and the bounty hunter droid’s blasters and bandolier being molded on it kinda sucks.  The lack of joints on the probot sucks too… and the cherry on top was my last set I got, the NED’s foot broke off quite easily.  I agree Ryan, the plastic on these feels off.

The astromech was the cream of the crop in a way.  For less than retail the set is quite nice despite the gripes.  For full price the set is eh.  I’ll take it but it’s def not incredible.  The NED is nice despite one breaking on me so easily and I’ll happily have a little force for loading cargo.

I’m sending the broken one back for a replacement.  Kinda hoped they’d lemme keep it but no dice there.

Having a complete set of these seemed like something I was gonna just brush off but my buddy got me the Chopper while he was down yonder and my other buddy wound up with an extra of the rare BB… a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC Deluxe TM Paz Vizsla
« on: November 1, 2022, 01:02 PM »
Thanks for the linkies Jeff, I hate searching Amazon when POs go up.  Got my bikes and Paz!

Word is these are sold out at both coasts.  Friend says they’ve been out for weeks in Orlando and another friend told me they sold out second day at Disney Land during the con. 

I have all but the rare two.  Bummed on chopper but I’ll live.

 Now my Bren Derlins are gonna be weird.  :-\

Pretty sure the Echo trooper peg is much smaller. 😕

That's what she said.

*sigh* 😑

And yes, dream killing is my natural state.  That said, echo base trooper holsters make reasonable RFT holster substitutes.  Buddy showed me those holsters fit nice.

Add me to the “I wish we got female and alien” Rebel extras here and there too.  They made a RFT female for the old west end games minis and I would love a female fleet trooper figure ever since I saw that mini.

I was irked by the limits too.  I skipped the Tantive iv cuz I’ve got a ton but I got some custom fodder and hoth rebels.  Hooray.

I do not believe the peg is same size.  Pretty sure the Echo trooper peg is much smaller. 😕

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