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Topics - Jesse James

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Watto's Junk Yard / SirStevesGuide Goes Belly Up
« on: March 29, 2006, 12:06 AM »
Got this mail...

I am sad to say that due to irreconcilable differences between myself and ACTION Online (who hosts and owns the domain), I have to part with my own creation, "". I started the site back in 1995 as a collector and joined with ACTION Online in 1999, who now owns all the rights to it (it was the best decision at the time to keep the site going). has always been a team effort from fellow collectors, the staff, the mods and I appreciate all the support I have received over the years. This is not the end of "SirSteve", just the end of me running "". I will be starting a new site devoted to everything Action Figures and Collectibles rather than just Star Wars and run by collectors, for collectors. I have no idea what is to become of the domain "" or who will be running it (if anyone). I know I have not been the most active "forum" user but maintaining the site takes a lot of time. I have done everything from the graphics, web design, content, photography and so on which take a great deal of time. That's why I have trusted staff members to take care of the forums. I hate for it to come down like this but it will be for the best in the end. I have met a lot of great people while doing this and I would not trade it for anything.

So one of the older sites bites the dust...  "SirSteve" starting something new then...  That's gotta suck being overtaken by another site and it not going how you wish...  Sounds somewhat familiar though doesn't it?  *cough*CSW/RS*cough*

SSG was one of the first sites I visited many moons ago before I posted online...  Then CSW I finally opened up and started talking.  I'm not sentimental about SSG's demise, I just thought it was somewhat interesting.  I can't imagine it'll stay open so I'm assuming it'll go kaput here.

Times are a changin'... 

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: AT-AT Driver
« on: March 24, 2006, 02:25 AM »

This week's review is, as you can see, the Imperial AT-AT Driver resculpt from the "Hoth Wave".  Clicky the image above for the full review and enjoy!

My brief thoughts...  There's a lot to love with this figure and very little not to.  In 2006 we've seen a severely cut-back level of articulation across the board.  Fewer figures are near super poseable this year than we got in 2005's Revenge of the Sith line.  I for one was quite disappointed seeing that most figure's lacked knee arituclation, including some pretty great potential army builder fodder like Major Derlin and General Veers...  Hell, Bail Organa gets it in 2005 and Derlin and Veers get shorted in 2006?  bull****!

So that brings us to the AT-AT Driver...  The sculpting's fantastic and shows again that what you were happy with from the POTF2 line maybe wasn't as cool as you thought.  The great thing to me though is that, while the TIE Pilot resculpt really put its predecessor to shame, I find that the AT-AT Driver's resculpt blends in better with the POTF2 release figure.  That's a great thing to me though.

The figure comes packed with articulation though, and that is where it truly shines.  Ball/socket knees and shoulders, angle-cut elbow joints, wrists, neck, and waist make for a great poseable army builder.

If Hasbro made the AT-AT Driver's articulation the basic line's MINIMUM standard you'd read a hell of a lot more positive reviews out of me.  The 2004/05 POTC Cantina Wave had that articulation (more or less), and they're great...  Hasbro can make this a standard and if people would voice that they want it enough they'd cave and put out the effort we deserve.

Enjoy your AT-AT Driver people!  He's great, and unfortunately he's not the norm for quality this year, so don't expect too many to rival him for greatness.  Sad, but true.  You'll still get figure's with legs no more articulated than the Han Trenchcoat you bought in 1983...  Sucks ass when you think about it in those terms if you ask me.

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: Major Bren Derlin
« on: March 15, 2006, 08:31 PM »
Another new review, yay me!

Clicky the image above, and you can read up on my thoughts on the Major who hangs out where everyone knows your name...  And no, he doesn't hang out here at, but rather Cheers Bar.  For the uninformed Major Derlin was played by John "Cliff Claven" Ratzenberger of "Cheers" fame...  Though I don't know anyone who didn't know that in this hobby.

The figure is a huge improvement over the similar General Rieekan figure...  But could Derlin be better?

Well just make sure you read the full review to find out, but suffice it to say that once again articulation is the figure's downfall.  Hasbro really needs to set a higher standard and run with it as opposed to making some figures just a weaker effort overall.  WIth Derlin being great army building fodder for the ambitious enough to do headswaps, some knee joints would've made my opinion of him much more favorable.  As it stands now, he's an average and somewhat ho-hum figure though.

Check it out to see what  the positives and negatives are though...  It meant the difference between me buying one or two of these compared to 12 or 20 of them.   :-\

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise)
« on: March 1, 2006, 09:48 PM »
Finally rounding out the Carkoon Wave... 

This week we're looking at:

Leia's a sign of better things in 2006, but unfortunately she's appearing to be a bit of an anomyly for the most part.  Articulation is out this year but Leia gets the royal treatment from the big H at least.  That's something right?

She's not too shabby otherwise either...  Some minor paint flaws on my sample, but not a whole lot to gripe about.  My big peeve was her right forearm's sculpt, that was it.  Otherwise this was a pretty great figure to me.

Check out my Full Review and chime in with your thoughts. 

Leia's a bright spot in an otherwise dull wave of underacheiving action figures from Hasbro, so enjoy her...  Hoth Wave isn't a huge leap in quality unfortunately.  :-\

Saga '02-'04 / Bail Organa's Stand... Was There More To Come?
« on: February 21, 2006, 11:34 PM »
So I'm in the midst of cleaning display dilemma's and things, so I was perusing my AOTC figures and noticed Bail Organa's stand...  again.

It's pretty underrated as far as figure accessories go really and it's got one of the most unique holographic figures ever.  Far cooler than the current pack-ins we're getting in 2006.

Anyway, the stand Bail comes with...  It's part of Palpatine's Office (the holo-communicator table), and has a tab...  Like it was supposed to connect to more of the same.

Anyone else wonder where Hasbro was going with this thing?  It connects to nothing they've made...  It wouldn't even connect to itself if you had two of them.  Was a Palpatine's Office in the works that got fairly far along?  Other figures from the office that didn't get stands maybe?

That stand sticks out to me though, I'm just sorta curious where this was maybe going...  What more could have been in the works, or even partly finished.

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: Evolutions - Sith Lords
« on: February 13, 2006, 08:11 PM »
Oh Evolutions...  How Do I love thee?  Let me count the ways...

Yeah, all good things must come to an end, and in this case I've rounded out reviewing the Evolutions Assortment by taking my usual in-depth look at the last in the series, The Evolutions: Sith Lords set.

The set is fantastic from top to bottom...  Darth Maul's the weakest in the set, but when your weakest is only that way because of angle-cut elbows, you really can't argue a whole lot.  Dooku and Palpatine both chime in as super articulated incarnations of their characters, and Maul does too besides his elbow joints.

With lots of softgoods accessories like skirt extensions, capes, and robes, the trio are quite poseable. 

As with the usual though, some extra accessories or more neutral headsculpts would have been appreciated, but not necessary really.  Check out the review though to see what all hit and missed with this, be prepared to read for a little while though, and of course come back and chime in with your thoughts.

To me, it's probably the best set overall out of the Evolutions series...  Quality in this set wasn't matched by the other two, so while the characters weren't necessarilly the most looked forward to, the execution was quite nice and shows Hasbro stepping out with their best foot forward in action figures.  Big ups to Hasbro for another knock-out in the short-lived series...

Now will they make more?  The question hangs there unanswered and nobody seems to want to ask Hasbro if they're considering this for the future.  Personally, if I had their ear you know I'd be nagging them about MORE Evolutions figures folks!  You know me, ever-persistant and all that crap.

The Bullpen / Toy Biz Marvel Monster thing? Question
« on: February 10, 2006, 01:37 AM »
OK, so I have a question...

I got this weird little green frog-ish monster with 4 legs, it has a fin on its back you push and its mouth opens and closes.  It has a tail too...  It's green with darker green spots.

Not a good description, I know.

It has "1998 Marvel Toy Biz Inc." stamped on bottom of one foot.

I'm curious what this creature is from exactly...  If I could get a pic of it up I would...  Can someone help by description?

It's a monster on 4 legs, not a "figure"...  The legs pose, the jaw opens when you push one of its fins on its back as I noted.  Looks froggish to me.  I'm curious what's up with this though.  I got it in a box of parts I wanted, and wanted this in particular out of the box but can't for the life of me figure this out.

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: Tomy RC R2-D2 "RC-D2"
« on: February 6, 2006, 08:16 PM »
A new review is up and running for your reading fun, plus a little viewing pleasure...  I was surprised how many people I talk to who passed on this figure, because this was one of the surprise hits of 2005 to me and thus I felt a full review of it was still a worthy story. 

I speak of the Japanese Exclusive, Remote Controlled R2-D2 figure from 2005...  Or "RC-D2" for short.

This was one of the greatest little surprises to come down the 3.75" line in quite a while...  Not that he was really even an official part of the U.S. line but still it's a great figure no doubt. 

Besides the RC feature working quite flawlessly on a smooth surface, the figure is a sharp sculpt and accurate size for the basic figure line.  If you had a big "Death Star" diorama set up as an obstacle course for R2, I could see this even translating into a really cool little game...  Of course I'm just thinking out loud here.

Anyway, the figure's a good sculpt, great paintjob...  The action feature is probably the best in a series of bad "gimmicks", so I even enjoyed that.  And I noted in my review that this is probably the last truly innovative R2-D2 we'll ever se...  What more do you do with this character afterall, ya know?

So if you don't own this, I'd track one down...  Read the full review though, see what all I'm talking about and I have to say a HUGE vote of thanks to our photo guru Jared for the kick ass little video clip too.  Check out the review for the Video of RC-D2 in action, even if ya just hate my writing and opinions.  :)  The video made it all worthwhile to me, hah.

Thanks guys for looking.

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: Evolutions Anakin To Vader
« on: January 20, 2006, 09:21 PM »
Though I can't get on this at the moment, there's a new Review up and running, polishing off another of the Evolutions Assortment that's been on the shelf here for a little bit.

This time around we're taking a look at Evolutions: Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader, in an exciting pack that follows the Dark Lord's transformation from whiney awkward teen, to Jedi Slaughtering Power Hungry Sith Apprentice, to the man in black we all know and love.  It's quite a set to behold.

My opinion on the Evolutions line was favorable overall.  There were some little things I'd have done differently with pretty much every set, but the Anakin one was my first I got, and I knew I was gonna be hooked on these at the moment I opened the box.

While I've seen some recent comments from people who felt that the basic Anakin figures were somehow superior to the Evolutions figures, I can't agree with that sentiment in the slightest.  The sculpts/likenesses presented here are pretty well flawless and the articulation is unmatched with any ANakin figure to-date.

If Hasbro puts more of the CHosen One out on any card in the future, it should be these 3 incarnations of Anakin Skywalker/Vader and no other.  Simply amazing figures to have, and a must for any collection.

Read my review though to see what little things could have been improved upon, and what great things Hasbro did pull off well with this set.  And look for more Evolutions reviews and Saga '06 reviews in the near future!

Modern Classifieds / 3-Pack Clones For Sale
« on: January 10, 2006, 04:42 AM »
Amidst my cleaning out I've got a lot of the Deluxe 3-pack Clones for sale that I found...

-5 white firing from hip
-1 white prone
-1 white firing aiming
-3 white kneeling (a 4th that has a broken hand I'll throw in)
-2 Yellow Commanders
-1 Red prone Captain
-1 Green Kneeling Sergeant

That's about 14 3-pack Clones for sale...  I'm asking $20+shipping for all 14.

Modern Classifieds / Packaging (Evolution & VOTC) For Sale
« on: January 10, 2006, 02:46 AM »
Is anyone interested in buying any packaging?  Either for customizing or just because...

I have:

-Multiple VOTC Clamshells & Cardbacks/bubbles (Carefully opened/figs removed)
-Multiple Evolutions Packages (Carefully opened/figs removed)
-Several Entertainment Earth Clone 4-pack boxes (Carefully opened/figs removed)


Added EE Clone boxes

Power of the Force 2 / Commtech Stormtrooper Issues
« on: December 23, 2005, 07:36 AM »
The CT Stormie is probably one of the most produced figures in the modern line...  It's been seen repacked a number of times, it was in the popular 4-pack army builder sets...  It's just a figure that's seen lots of production.

So I was going through my CT Stormies tonight doing a count on them and I have over 80 which I was surprised I didn't have 100.  Kind of made me feel like I am a bit lazy but that's neither here nor there...  My VOTC Stormies put me over 100 so that's cool.

The CT stormie rocked but I noticed something about the original figure...  The temperature change "deco" on the chest is prone to yellowing.  Not all of mine are, but a few were yellowing I noticed and they've been kept in an absolutely perfect environment (no smoking, etc.).  I'm sure it's just the make up of the decoration itself...  It's yellowing somewhat to how a decal yellows on model kits, and really the way it's applied it looks like it was some kind of a decal (there's even a clear film surrounding where the blast mark is).

Anyone else noticing this anyway?  It's not major, and my figures aren't yellowing at the limbs and things, but it's just surprising to me a bit.

BTW 80 figures is impressive...  Some are still in their white mailer boxes but I have 60 opened and once I get some hands casted for them (and lop off the stuck hands) this figure will be 100 times better.  I put some spare Clone hands on a CT Stormie and it really does improve the figure completely.  A total 180 in quality.  No VOTC, but a good passable figure and army builder. 

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: Anakin Skywalker "Sith Eyes"
« on: December 15, 2005, 11:37 PM »
Ok, we're back thanks to the more tech savvy staff here working hard. :)  Yours Truly can't do **** with html.  Hell, I thought that meant hotmail for a long time actually.


This time around we're looking at Anakin Skywalker (Slashing Attack) with "Sith Eyes" Paint Variation...  long title huh?

I have seen this guy a couple times actually...  Not a lot, but about as much as I saw Black Clone Pilots which was disappointingly infrequent.  At the same time though, this Anakin figure ain't no cool EU Clone either...   :-\

Anakin's best feature are his bitchin' red fireballs he has for eyes, and I'd say his arm articulation is passable...  Better than average.  His legs suck though, and Hasbro loses my praise at that point.  Lacking knee joints would have made this a very good general Anakin Skywalker figure actually...  And also the leg's sculpt in a sorta leaning/action pose really hurt the figure as well.  Basically, if you want flaws you'll find them primarily in the leg region.

Read the review and enjoy...  I've been slowing some with reviews because A) I'm busy, B) I'm real busy, C) unlike others I am on the short end of finding stuff generally despite how much I hunt...  That's collecting in Pittsburgh,  D) With the final 12 a lot of stuff was repetitious at times.  Fear not though, I've got final Evolutions on tap, and hopefully Saga not too far away god willing I find them relatively quickly.

And if a fire gets lit under my ass I may get to other stuff too...  I've got things I meant to review but didn't get to, so hopefully I just get to at some point.

Thanks for reading guys, and Happy Festivus to you all.

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