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Messages - Mister Skeezler

Pages: 1 ... 107 108 109 110 111 [112] 113 114 115 116 117 ... 179
Where the hell do you live that you have a bunch of extra Veers' for customizing??  :o

They look awesome, by the way!  :)

Lando, that looks awesome... is it the same one you've been talking about for a while (coffee table)?


Yes! Unfortunately, I hadn't had time to work on it for a long time. I figured this was the perfect motivation for me.

Here's a teaser/in-progress shot of my diorama. I have lighting to install, and paint details to do....and a little more plaster work.

When is the deadline for this project?

Just a random thought: maybe this will be the kidnapping of Palpatine sequence from the Clone Wars Volume II?

#14 Chancellor Palpatine
Blue or Red Senate Guard
Shaak Ti


If it is this I could handle...

Chancy Palps
Roron Corobb
General Grievous
Shakk Ti
Grievous Guard

Well I guess that would be cool.

Well that smells stinkowith.

Is this the Yoda/Sidious/Shocktroopers set? If so, I'll be ordering these like a ************!!!

Modern Classifieds / Need POTF2 Hoth radar cannon!!!
« on: January 20, 2006, 11:38 AM »
Well, I'm a huge jackass for not buying this when it was on clearance, so now I'm looking for 1 or 2 of these things. If anyone has it, please send me a PM or email.

Thanks!  ;D

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Hoth Wave
« on: January 19, 2006, 10:07 AM »
Hey guys, I didn't mean to sound preachy.  Sorry if I came off that way.  I just want everyone to take deep breath before worrying about finding figures that have only been out for about two weeks. Patience is one of the key traits in collecting. 

Anyway, I was thinking about my statement about having found almost everything at retail.  Thinking back, the carziest finds were never at big box stores.  I found all of the EU figures at a drugstore.  I found the DST/Reeyees wave at a mom and pop toy shop in a crappy neighborhood in Brooklyn, and I found the TC-14 wave at another mom and pop shop.

You also have an incredible amount of collecting karma, Mike!  ;D

I'm not worried about finding these. I think Hasbro is really going to push this line. I just hope those terrible Star Wars Transformers don't clog up the works, followed closely by those lame choppers.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Boussh's weapon
« on: January 18, 2006, 05:29 PM »
It would be funny if Kit were selling magazine subscriptions and he would open the his briefcase to get the paperwork and  the case would be filled with water and flopping fish.

Speaking of odd SW dreams, years ago I had a dream that I got a blood transfusion from Chewbacca.

That would be great, and he could act all nervous and try to keep the fish and water from pouring out, all the while apologizing profusely.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Carkoon Wave
« on: January 18, 2006, 09:16 AM »
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Boussh and Bib Fortuna far surpass their POTF2 versions. So much so, that I can say that if I didn't have them, I would step over a pile of dead jawas to get them.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Boussh's weapon
« on: January 18, 2006, 09:14 AM »
How did we go from JC to Macca?

I was just looking at Boussh, and that song kinda popped into my head...well, actually it was playing on my iPod.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Boussh's weapon
« on: January 17, 2006, 01:32 PM »
Now somewhere in the black mountain hills of Dakota
There lived a bounty hunter named Boussh
And one day his woman ran off with another guy
Hit young Boussh in the eye Boussh didn't like that
He said I'm gonna get that boy
So one day he walked into town
Booked himself a room in the local saloon.

Bounty hunter Boussh checked into his room
Only to find Gideon's bible
Boussh had come equipped with a gun(ish thing)
To shoot off the legs of his rival
His rival it seems had broken his dreams
By stealing the girl of his fancy.
Her name was Magil and she called herself Lil
But everyone knew her as Nancy.
Now she and her man who called himself Dan
Were in the next room at the hoe down
Boussh burst in and grinning a grin
He said Danny boy this is a showdown
But Daniel was hot-he drew fast and shot
And Boussh collapsed in the corner.

Now the doctor came in stinking of gin
And proceeded to lie on the table
He said Boussh you met your match
And Boussh said, Doc it's only a scratch
And I'll be better I'll be better doc as soon as I am able.

Now Bounty hunter Boussh he fell back in his room
Only to find Gideon's bible
Gideon checked out and he left it no doubt
To help with good Boussh's revival.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Boussh's weapon
« on: January 16, 2006, 09:14 AM »
Ed, it's a gun.  A really, really big gun.  I don't care what a video game says.  That thing's for shootin'!

Boussh likes fightin', drinkin', shootin' and rescuin'...  ;D

Saga Collection '06 / Boussh's weapon
« on: January 15, 2006, 12:47 PM »
Here's something I've been wondering since I was a kid, and now that I'm holding the Leia Boussh figure, its fresh in my mind: What the **** is Boussh's weapon supposed to be?

I've heard it referred to as a vibro-pole and a stun baton, but that doesn't seem right. For one, a bounty hunter would probably have some sort of ranged weapon, and second, there's all that crap at the other end. Does anyone have any ideas, info, etc?

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