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Messages - Jesse James

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Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Hoth Wave
« on: February 28, 2006, 02:21 AM »
I have found the Hoth Wave a number of times but never in heavy abundance really.  The remnants are starting to get weird now.  For a while I only saw the new figures and few Gonks but now I'm seeing Gonks, Vaders, R2's...  I think they've shipped enough they're burning out a little bit...  Or I just have been lucky.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 vOTC (or vTSC) - now with pics!
« on: February 28, 2006, 02:14 AM »
I was gonna complain that the bike won't fit the scout like it should, but screw it I know I want a new Speederbike.

The old sculpt is so oversized and gangly...  They need a new one with a clear stand for it to "hover" on.  Sculpt it to-scale to the VOTC Scout...  I'd gladly buy this beast.  I'd buy dozens actually if the price wasn't outrageous on it. 

Anyway, on the new photos...

My opinions are pretty much all positive based on the early photos we've seen.  There is stellar articulation on each figure.  It appears to me they all got spared the Hasbro Quality Axe as I call it, which is a first for 2006.  ;)  I mean, a whole wave of hits?  How can you NOT love that?

The Sandperson looks like you can work with his softgoods, Han just looks good in that pic.  That really is a nice job done on that coat.  The Greedo is cool enough I guess but it does appear to indicate their continuation of this line...  Personally I preferred VOTC but that's me.

Luke, fantastic...  Scout, fantastic...  Han's my favorite right now though.  That's everything I ever wanted in a Han Endor figure.  Count me in for several.

I gotta get a case pre-ordered on these now, it's without a doubt a pile of stuff I want.

I wish they would offer us these at a lower price.  $8, and I'd be happy.  I seriously wouldn't complain about buying armies at $8, I would buy customizing bits at $8, i'd even keep the packaging at $8...  $10+, especially if they're really gonna keep this going, is gonna be hard.  I mean, $10 ewoks are hard to justify...  Same with Ugnaughts, Jawas, various astromechs...  Even the aliens it gets tough to deal with financially.  :(

The case ratio of 2x each figure really makes one wonder...  Will these reship in different mixes or is this it?  I want more Scouts and Sandies...  Finding them will be a bitch.

Hasbro's gotta get it in their thick heads at some point that some of this crap sells steadily no matter how many you put out.  #41's sold steadily even though they backed up.  AT-RT Drivers sold steadily...  They can't keep an AT-AT Driver on pegs around me, even at the $7 price.  I just can't believe they'd sink the $ into molding/tooling up a figure like that Scout then limit it in some ways...   :-\

The mold toolings are fixed costs that you only are able to limit through increased production and sales.  Granted some things are risky choices to recirculate in the line, but Stormtroopers and Scouts?  The way to drop those fixed costs is to put them back out there...  Same with the Evolutions Sandtrooper.  VOTC Han over Cantina Han...  It's the smart choice, and they're the figures more appealing to all buyers too...  Hell I'd buy another VOTC Han if I saw it on a basic card...  Paint his hands grey and put a headset in and I'm sold on that figure just for that little difference.  I could use it for customs even if nothing else.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Army Builder of the Year
« on: February 28, 2006, 02:00 AM »
Hmmmm...  I'm forgetting years some things came out honestly.

For POTF2 my choices are highly limited really...  Out of them I don't really consider Jawas as army builders...  I like the Death Star Gunner and AT-AT Driver.  The TIE Pilot was good...  till Hasbro went and showed me it wasn't. 

POTJ I hands down agree the Imp. Officer all the way.  I have a ton and feel that's a figure I'd buy in droves cast in grey...  I'd love if they used the TIE Pilot pack-in's bendable legs on it too for some poseability.  I'd take a black and grey hat paintjob variant on it too as both were seen in the films.  A runner-up (or three) in POTJ though were the Bespin Guard that set all kinds of standards, the Boomer Droid, or the Gungan Warrior.

The Death STar Trooper I disagree with...  Whatever year he was competing there had to be something better.  ;)  The pose just blows, he's been one of the worst in the line IMO, though his head is very well done with a nice helmet.

For E1 I'd go with the Battledroid...  It was just nice to me.

For POTF2 I think the Rebel w/Atgar Laser Cannon was one of the better ones though it holds up poorly today and obviously needs a resculpt.

For ROTS it's #41 Clone to me... 

For OTC it's the Cloud Car Pilot...

For Saga '04 I think Captain Antilles counts enough to get a nod from me.  He's got everything right that the Fleet Trooper got wrong and short of knee articulation he's almost, in my eyes, perfect.

Clone Wars I'd give the nod to the SA Clone of course irregardless how difficult it is to find.

This year stuff's wide open...  Sun Fac gets my vote currently.  The AT-AT Driver is certainly a worthy vote though.

If Evolutions and VOTC counted they'd dominate their year.  :)  Outstanding figures.

Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC Star Wars Miniatures
« on: February 28, 2006, 01:47 AM »
OK, I'll let ya know if I get one successfully from them in the near future though for a low price and if you want one you can let me know or whatever then or I can even drop you their information.  They seem a cordial lot.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Target Exclusive Utapau Shadow Trooper
« on: February 28, 2006, 01:45 AM »
Yeah I missed on the deals but I know guys locally got them for $9 at least, if not less.  Not bad at that price...  Not great, but not bad.  I either traded for mine or paid full price. 

Still, at $30 I honestly would pass on it at that price if I couldn't get one...  I know I want Ascention Amidala but till I can get one fairly (trade most likely), I doubt I'll get one.  I won't pay a high price though...  It'll just be a collection hole I can be pissed off about, haha.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Target Exclusive Utapau Shadow Trooper
« on: February 28, 2006, 12:29 AM »
The classifieds are down there somewhere. :)

Yeah Commander, the sculpt was the CW SA Clone sculpt with a new head made to fit the ball/socket joint.  It was used for both ROTS Target Clones and MAYBE the Star Wars Shop Clone too but that one I didn't take a very close look at to be sure.

I know it was used on the Target Clones though...  The Clone 5-pack though was the Jetpack Clone sculpt, so as not to confuse you. 

Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC Star Wars Miniatures
« on: February 28, 2006, 12:26 AM »
What's cheap to you on the AT-AT Brent?  I may have a line on some for in the $30-ish pricerange (US).

Local place had them at the last toy show that cheap, I want one incase I should get into gaming here in the future so I may pick it up.

Episode 1 / Re: Hardest Episode 1 figure to find?
« on: February 28, 2006, 12:24 AM »
The only thing about the accessory sets was that Toy Maniacs had them for ages...  If ya wanted to go the online route.  That was what I did at the time for those.  If they'd been the first set they'd have blown out the door.

For me, the toughest finds were figures i never saw in stores...

-Sio Bibble
-Swimming Jar Jar
-Ascension Amidala

I found a Pit Droid 2-pack and holo Sidious but only once...  So for me they're close seconds in the running.  The others I had to trade for.  I still dont' have Ascension Amidala out of those...  :(

These are just basic figures though.  They're at least findable...  Stuff like Eopie w/Qui Gon, or Bonus Pit Droids...  That's stuff I want but man I just doubt I'll ever get it. :(

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review - TSC Bib Fortuna
« on: February 28, 2006, 12:20 AM »
Yeah his face is...  eh.  Weird.

But, to defend my stance on articulation, I only cite the shoulders as truly a negative.  Hasbro's proven a flexible material is possible that, if Hasbro wanted to, they could have sclupted FULL arms for Bib and still had a sculpted robe that covered the arm but which also flexed and moved with the arms if you wanted to pose them a little more.

Bib didn't do much, by far and away...  But as a toy he should be able to do something, and this figure just can't.  Poseability is what kills a toy or makes it great and Hasbro's gotta get away from being afraid to articulate toys.  Scorch, who I don't have in my hands at the moment but I knwo I'm getting him this weekend, is great to his waist...  Then it's all down hill and really it's just a lack of Hasbro wanting to deliver quality on the level they obviously can deliver on...  They have in the past.

When we come off the best year in Star Wars sales in a long time (if not ever), and yet we get a price increase with a quality cut in articulation, then I'm one frustrated reviewer...

I nitpick with Bib slightly, but the arms...  That's the only articulation I really have a problem with.  If the sleeves were of a flexible material, or if they were sculpted separately but made to sort of "blend" together (Bib's robe is layers afterall, so one layer overlapping it could really hide any articulation there), the figure could've then had shoulder joints, and that would have made Bib pretty much as good as it gets...

Well, that and someone closing his mouth before a bug flies in there. :)

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Geonosis Wave
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:34 AM »
Eh, well if you're not a completist that certainly would be a dilemma...  It's a long year, so hopefully these get repacked with more desireable figures, that's for certain...  If there was a case of SOra, Sun Fac, and the Clones...  maybe a single repack like Jango perhaps, then I'd consider that case.  I want more of Sun Fac, I can sorta justify more SOra...  I can't justify another Jango except it'd make a kid happy I know.  :)  How Hasbro doesn't see the benefit of heavier packing with the Clones is beyond me...  If there's anger to be focused it's at the, once again, totally asinine case ratios that company gives out yearly. 

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Battle of Death Star (Yavin) Wave
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:28 AM »
Scott's showing you the grey uni'd Death Star Trooper Anton. :)

The uni of the guy in the pod in scenes where Tarkin orders the destruction of Alderaan is grey with a black helmet and headset but he's not really easily visible in the film itself.

There's actually 3 uniforms for DST's in the films that are clear...  There's the grey one which I've always assumed to be an officer of sorts.  There's of course the black uniformed ones which are in ANH and ESB.  They're sporting the tunic and riding breeches. 

Then in ROTJ there's guys in the POTJ Imp. Officer outfit with Death Star Trooper helmets on, running about on Endor.  I think they're in the hangar scene too...  So technically all 3 are right, more or less.  :)

I'd love a super articulated one in the tunic/breeches, grey and black variants...  I'd dig it if they put the POTF2 figure's head/helmet on the POTJ Officer's body then later as a kitbash.  the head's a perfect fit for that body actually, so it'd be a simple way for Hasbro to make a load of cash.  If they were EXTRA nice they'd put articulated TIE Pilot legs on him, as the pack-in Pilot with the bendable knees has legs that fit the Imp Officer body perfectly.  it'd be a nice kitbash and a slightly better poseable figure as well.  I'd buy tons of that I'm sure.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Geonosis Wave
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:21 AM »
It's a little early to be in a panic, no doubt...  However I never saw a 41st Shocktrooper, only saw the black Clone Pilot 2 or 3 times as I recall, and the final 12 I'd have missed completely on most if not for K-Mart unloading a ton on Black Friday and on the cheap...  And even then they went fast, of course.

Ordering a case isn't always a bad idea then if you're concerned on something...  It's pretty obvious Scorch and the Utapau Trooper are going to be in big demand...  The real question is now whether or not Hasbro is going to MEET that demand.  It's so early in the year and SO much crap has already shipped...  There's a lot of year left for things to reship, but like last year there's some things that just didn't ship heavily to some areas or it was gobbled up really fast...  Sometimes getting your case order in early isn't such a bad idea, especially if you find a ration mix that fits your collecting goals and such.

Personally, I haven't seen that all Clone Trooper/Scorch case ratio yet.  ;)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Target Exclusive Utapau Shadow Trooper
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:14 AM »
Try the boards here...  Try the boards elsewhere even, but I'm a big opponent of going to someone who's ripping you off.  Definitely give it a go, keep your eyes peeled for one that pops up on the boards around the net though.

These were clearanced at some Target stores, they wound up being that abundant, so keep your eyes open...  Also keep your eyes on our threads for Target exclusives as they come up because often we discuss the DPCI #'s in the threads and that's how I usually get anything from Target.  Saves a lot of time/trouble...

If you're out of the states, network...  Often one of the guys on the boards is willing to help if they're financially able to. 

Personally I debate the value of the figure at just its retail price...  It looks cool, don't get me wrong, but I'm just a hard pressed person to happily pay $15 for any action figure like this.

For the record, it's the Clone Wars SA Clone sculpt iwth a new head too, for anyone curious on where its origins are from. :)

Newbies / Re: MasterGrievous here.....
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:08 AM »
Welcome aboard to Jedi Defender...  Look around, check out the store finds area too because there's a number of Cali guys around here.

And just generally enjoy the site.  Ask questions if ya have any.  Have fun!

Conventions / Re: 2006 San Diego Comic-Con
« on: February 27, 2006, 02:08 AM »
I believe Jared and the bane of Hasbro's existance are returning.

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