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Messages - Jesse James

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Middle Earth / Re: LOTR Trilogy Figures
« on: February 12, 2005, 04:53 AM »
Yeah I can't tell the differences with them to pick the most articulated one...  Sculpts are all over the place with this line so I can't say one's more accurate to the actor either.

I suppose if I picked one I'd want him to have the most articulation and accessories...  Of course there's those tiny costume variances too, like the greives and things, that changed between the films.

Site Feedback, Suggestions, and Help / Re: Forum Ranks
« on: February 12, 2005, 04:50 AM »

:P  j/k of course...  That's entirely out of line of me to say.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: VOTC/OTC Purchases
« on: February 11, 2005, 02:18 AM »
KB had a lonely Stormtrooper VOTC on the pegs.  At $13 I see why even he was left sitting there, but I bit the mark-up since I got 4 on clearance (I figure that gives me some mark-up leeway to pay :P ) and bought him.

I'm up to 21 now with him...  Wish I had 19 more for a transport full.  :(

Middle Earth / Re: LOTR Trilogy Figures
« on: February 11, 2005, 02:15 AM »
I got quite a haul tonight at Suncoast for my brother and a couple for me too...

I got Cole these figures:

-SP Boromir
-SP Strider
-The Orc with the tied up Frodo accessory
-Smeagol (prologue)
-Theoden's son
-Gandalf the Grey (Poseable one)

And they had more but I was short on fundage...  I got a boromir and Strider for myself too.  Fantastic figures.

They had a couple Legolas figures (FOTR and TTT) that I wasn't familiar with...  They seemed better than the earlier versions but these figures look so much alike sometimes that I just can't tell.

They had Sam in armor too with a talking rock...  He looked "new" to me for some reason.

no Shelob, and the Orcs were limited compared to other figures...  :(  I wanted a Shagrat but I skipped him (they had one left).

Suncoast was only $6 a figure too, which shocked me considering everywhere else except maybe WM is the same price.  I thought Suncoast would reem me on the price but I guess not.

Oh, and got a VOTC Stormie at KB...  I bit the $2-$3 mark-up for this lone Stormie. :P

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Ep3 Sneak Preview Vehicle
« on: February 11, 2005, 12:28 AM »
EU's kind of shown that astro's are placed all over on ships...  Roaming about freely on ships like Amidalas, or even having fixed sockets "outboard" on big ships like that as well.

To me, none of these ship's designs imply that they're building into anything else really...  The Jedi Fighter, when you look at it, really doesn't look like anything (A-Wing's been said in the past, but beyond it being red I don't see this similarity), and the new Jedi Fighter's really not like anything else besides it maybe having SOME similarity to the old Jedi Fighter...  "improvement" for the war there is practical so I can link those two, but I can't link the Jedi Fighters to anything in the modern era really. 

The ARC-170's design is just out there...  Beyond its basic shape of an elongated hull with 2 wings that can split for maneuverability/stability, I can't say this is a ship that I look at and think "X-Wing" at all.  XW and this don't even look like they'd be in the same role/category given that the ARC's are bigger/bulkier, have a rear gunner...  I'd say it's maybe closer in relationship to the Y-Wing, but it doesn't resemble that fighter at all either, but if you run iwth the Y-Wings 2-seater variant it seems more along those lines.

EU's placement of astro's is weird then...  The Jedi Fighter's one is weird, and I think it was mostly a cop-out to have a dedicated astromech.  Almost like they designed the fighter but later realized they didn't design it to support an astromech and Lucas wanted it to be able to...  Simple answer then is to make it a dedicated on-board system with a dome...  for no reason.  ::)

I'm pretty sure EU has Astro's popping up on ships in different places though, some toward the front, some to the back...  I don't mind the placement really on the new Jedi Fighter...  If it doesn't support a removable (full) droid then it's sort of a bummer.  It leads me to believe Hasbro butchered the scale somewhat perhaps.   :-\ 

I don't mind the astromech being up front but I do think it bites if they don't make it so a full astromech fits in the socket.  That implies an underscaled ship to me, which sucks.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A fond farewell, to our dear friend OCB...
« on: February 10, 2005, 11:18 PM »
I'm hoping Scott's going to be making an appearance here some, and not abandoning ship completely...  I think it's possible we'll still be seeing Old Cocky in town yet, so I try not to despair too much.

I don't profess to have come into Star Wars collecting with the goal of making "friends".  When I was asked to come here and be a part of things, I didn't really think it would become (to me) what it is, and that I would look at the rest of the guys I've worked with as great friends.  About the only compliment I can pay Scott that would mean something from my heart is that you DID become a friend to me that I haven't even gotten the chance to meet.  I hope you know that, and that I appreciated working with you.  I think you're the anchor at Jedi Defender, and losing you from the staff is painful to those of us here.  

Beyond that, the collecting community is losing one of its best members from not just this site, but from any site, any where, at any point this hobby has existed from Vintage to Modern.  Not really any way I can put that to really make its impact be felt more strongly.  Star Wars collectors in general are experiencing a loss when you step out.

I don't have to hope things are going to go well for you Scott because I know they will, and I know you're going to be here to say hi some, which is all one could wish for from a friend.

I didn't come into this thinking I'd ever care when I knew I wasn't gonna talk to someone often or see them around here, but I will miss seeing you active around here Scott.

Take care, and you'll always have your best friends here no matter what!

Celebration III: Indianapolis / Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« on: February 10, 2005, 07:22 AM »
In general (not this trip, just in general) my opinion on hotels is that if it has a clean bathroom and a clean bed, I'm content.

I'm treating my jaunt to Indy as basically the first vacation I've had in some years, so this is a special trip beyond the con even to me.  $188's great for 4 days, and if you've got the good shower and bed you're set.  :)  That's my take!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday Mikey!!
« on: February 10, 2005, 06:43 AM »
Have a good one Mikey... 

Bday thread's tough to keep up with, haha.  :) 

We're hoping to see you guys there.  I'm gonna be there so there's all the need you have to go. :P

C3's gonna be so busy, haha...  this'll be great though.  The BYOB (Bring Your Own Body) idea is great I think, and this is a way you guys can expand your Empire pretty darn easily I think.

So hope to see you there guys!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS carded figures
« on: February 10, 2005, 06:19 AM »
I think it's funny as hell that in E2 nobody gave two ***** about finding a Clone really...  Red Clones were a dime a dozen, and lingered at KB on clearance forever (Still available some places), but the E3 Clones are so possibly going to be incredibly rare that there's worry about finding them.

I honestly ponder how hard finding the Clone will be too...  especially as someone who already wants a ton of that AT-TE Gunner.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS carded figures
« on: February 9, 2005, 10:34 PM »
hole...  a hole!

I think the rage was more circled around it detracting from sculpt...  And it's not really rage I guess, but I think that's the reason for the displeasure.  It's "eh" if it's not pluggable.  :(  Kind of a bummer on an otherwise great figure.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: AT-RT - the walker army-builder
« on: February 9, 2005, 09:39 PM »
yeah, the figure could be the downer.  Given the incredibly poseable body they have available, I think a poseable pilot would've been great.

As far as camoflauging, it may not be the case...  The Republic Pilot's have a vibrantly colored outfit...  These Recon troops could just have this color as their basic color...  It seems Clones this go-round use color for more than rank distinction.  EU's been implying this and it seems Lucas may be taking it to the canon level.

They may be green on desert planets then for all we know.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS carded figures
« on: February 9, 2005, 09:36 PM » has some nice high-res shots up including a spoiler-ish one for Shaak Ti...

However, while there's a panic already over this "feature", her carded figure seems to NOT have the same feature, or it's covered up or plugged with something while the loose shot of her shows the feature clearly.


BTW, my jaw really hit the floor looking at the high-res shot of the AT-TE Gunner.  isn't he just a basic Clone with a shoulder pad and some other accessory packed in, and no action feature?

He rocks though...  I mean, holy ****.  If E2 had been this thought-out I'd have been a much happier man the past 3 years.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS carded figures
« on: February 9, 2005, 08:46 PM »
Yeah I'm really floored by some of the Collection 2 figures.

Just think what Star Wars as a line would've been like had E1 and E2 had quality backing them like this?!?!?  I'll tell you what, I'd have been a tad more forgiving at least. :) 

Hasbro's taken things up a notch with E3.  Good for them, though it sucks royally that they "see the light" 10 years after the line's beginning.  I more than ever want resculpts of old figures though, if this is what it would be like.

Fan Art / Re: Cable Original Squidhead!
« on: February 9, 2005, 01:08 AM »
I like the sketch Bill, one of my favorites actually...  Droids Bossk still is superior in every way. :)

But I like you have him actually, sorta, seemingly like he's doing Jabba's books or some such.  Fitting with tax season here and all. 

That or he's in a chat room...  maybe reading the latest threads here?  :)

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