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Messages - Jesse James

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The Original Trilogy / Re: Boba Fett..... Voiced by Jango Fett?
« on: August 30, 2004, 03:27 AM »
That's something I agree on...  I liked hearing just British and American accents.  I could see a variety of UK accents actually, and even the odd Irish one snuck in like Jabba's that was dubbed over.

The thing is that Lucas is pushing this accent issue, like you said, with it starting iwth the Neimodians.

Those are characters who should've had their own language and freakin' subtitles.

I like Watto, dunno why, but the Neimodians it just doesn't look/sound right together.... 

Same goes with Dexter Jettster.  I don't look at that thing and think of that voice.  A surly American accent perhaps, but not what we got.

I'd label Jar Jar as similar, and all Gungans... 

Sometimes, Subtitles can really make your characters more "deep".

Chewie never uttered one intelligible word in the whole trilogy, but yet he was such a vastly superior character to many prequal characters that you can understand EVERY word.

If I were to redo the prequals, thse are things I'd have changed up.  Tough on Jar Jar to limit him to Subtitles though, unless you actually limit his character as well (not a bad thing though).  If you leave him with all his dialogue now though, Subtitles would be distracting.  On the Neimodians and Dexter though, it'd be really quite nice actually, what with their limited lines anyway.

Original Trilogy Collection / Assinine Ebay Auction
« on: August 30, 2004, 02:25 AM »

Just absolutely stupid...

What's worse is that this schmuck selling this is in Rebelscum claiming he can get a "signed affidavit" from Crime Scene Investigators PROVING it's not tampered with.  Claims he's part of the State Police wherever he is.

He's also laying claim that he can sue people for contacting Ebay or bidders on/about his auction, and causing him "economic loss" I believe is how he put it.

An incredible tool the likes of which hasn't been seen since the Garden Weasel itself.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stupid **** From the Internet Thread.
« on: August 30, 2004, 01:42 AM »
Done and I swapped the thread title out there so you know what I edited in your post Vader.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: They say HOT; you say NOT
« on: August 30, 2004, 12:09 AM »
I've always kinda laughed at her whole schtick on "images".  She grew up in one of the whitest, preppiest, suburbs of Pittsburgh but always pushed for that image of a chick from the streets.

In a word, she's laughable.

On her physical looks, I actually think she's good looking so I disagree there, but I agree she's skanky.  Skanky's ok sometimes.  I didn't catch her on the VMA's but sounds worth a look.

Shakira's everything cute that Aguillera is not however...  If we're talking pop-music girls here.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Anybody find OTC at retail yet?
« on: August 29, 2004, 11:16 PM »
A Target I was at nearby me was pretty packed with the OTC Dagobah wave, and select repacks like Han Solo (I'd classify his OTC version as a pegwarmer at this point, as there's tons around  now and they are the same figs every time I'm in the stores).

They had Boba Fett, Greedo, Luke Jedi, TRD Vader, and Han's in abundance.

No Jawas, Tuskens, and no VOTC Yoda/Vader.  Those are what I'm die-hard searching for now, and they're just not to be found AT ALL around here. 

Missed the VMA's because of power outages, but caught this tool and Scott Evil on the Graham Norton Effect.  He's a doofus.  The only claim to fame he could muster up was his Scooby Doo role, which nobody should be that proud of.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: They say HOT; you say NOT
« on: August 29, 2004, 11:00 PM »
I'll add Natalie Portman, but with an explanation...

I don't see why people go Ga-Ga over her.  She's cute, I admit, but she's not the end-all, be-all of womanhood.  She's just cute.  I've seen better at clubs on a weekly basis than her, so I can't see all the fandamonium.

I've never seen anyone list Carrot-Top in a "hot" thread anyway, but I have to admit that the dude's ripped.  I wouldn't tell him he's ugly to his face.  Years of looking like that, but with his size, have probably made him quite capable of kicking the ever loving **** out of any one of us.

I saw him once in Pittsburgh just eating his lunch at Station Square (where the only comedy club at the time is/was), and he actually was quite normal.  Keeps his hair pulled back and stuff. 

Anyway, I agree on Paris Hilton.  She's a double-bagger but I'd probably still do my business if the chance arose.  The face is where I think she's off.

Same with Sarah Jessica Parker (BTW she's my good buddy's second cousin, which is your useless fact of the week, brought to you by me).

Other Toy Lines / Re: The Official 21st Century Toys Thread
« on: August 29, 2004, 08:11 PM »
A bit of an update...

If you g uys are looking for deals, get thee to TRU now.

Select BBI stuff's 50% off, as is most of the left-over 21st Century Product like Command Cars.  I'd take a Command Car or two or three for $12.  LAV's, dirtbikes, and Buggy's are all clearanced for BBI. 

I wish the helo's would...  They're about all that's left here.

Playsets from 21st are 50% off now too, so Fountain's are $10 about.  Not bad at that price.

If anyone has a wide selection available at THEIR TRU, by all means give me a hollar because mine are all cleared out.  I'd like to nab some stuff if someone's willing to help though,  namely a Command Car or two, and an LAV or two.

Just give me a hollar!


The Original Trilogy / Re: Boba Fett..... Voiced by Jango Fett?
« on: August 29, 2004, 07:28 PM »
I couldn't even tell the difference...  It's like separate parts of Ireland to me.  I can't differentiate unless the one person's speaking Gaelic a lot.  The accent blends in to me.

Of course, the same could likely be said for accents in the states I'm sure.  Pittsburgh's so vastly different to say, New Jersey, that I notice it but people on the outside may not.

I just know the Americans would link "Crikey" to it...  The Crocodile Hunter has ingrained that upon us.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: TV Funny Man Dave Coulier...ALIVE!
« on: August 29, 2004, 07:16 PM »
Morisette all but outright confirmed it was about Coulier on the Stern show.


I believe Artie Lang summed that up best when he said, "What'd he do, impress you with his Popeye impersonation?"

Ya know what though, Bob Sagget's stand-up routine is really funny (IE: Not cutesy, but rather vulgar and "adult"), and I've heard Coulier's pretty funny too.  They were molded into the tools they're more commonly known to be though.

I've seen Sagget's routine, and it is good.  Seeing it and knowing who he played on TV makes it even funnier.  It's like old P.W. and his "adult" comedy special on Showtime/HBO, and yet comparing his TV show with it.  His films were then more a happy medium of the two "sides".

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Anybody else a hardcore auto enthusiast?
« on: August 29, 2004, 02:48 PM »
My father raced when he was younger, so I've grown up around racetracks...  He did open-wheel dirt oval racing, and he dragraced his '59 Corvette (well before I was born).  We still went to the tracks after he quit though, and being that he's a motor inspector/mechanic (Just retired Friday actually) for a steel mill, and my oldest brother's a mechanic, and that my family in general always do our own car work all the time...  Well, I guess we're into cars. :)

Currently I own a 1992 Thunderbird SC, and a 1994 Chrysler Le Baron Convertible.

My Le Baron's my daily use car that I put miles on (has 68k now, 58k when I bought it last year), and I have to say that it's impressed me.  It's powerful, solid, sporty, fun...  6 cylinder automatic, but there's a 4-cylinder with Turbo that's supposedly nice (but hardtop only).  I get complements because most of these when you see them aren't in nice shape anymore.  I have people test me (mostly just with cars they are overly proud of) at stop lights and short of them having an obviously more powerful sports car, my Le Baron rarely fails me. 

I don't do customizing to my car, though if I had extra $ I probably would at least do a little bit.  Mostly cosmetic stuff.  The engine's fine as it is, since I don't race, and it's powerful enough for commuting in the city.

My T-Bird's a whole other story.  Stock, it looks like it's been custmized actually.  When people test me at lights in this I personally have come against nothing that was able to match it, though a Vette and I one night did horse around and he easily went past me once he hit his higher gears.

It's a Supercharged 6-Cyl. 5-speed with *drumroll* 158k on it.  Surprisingly it's not got a lot of problems, but, I need to do work on it.  First in line's welding new floorboards, and having a new left rear fender piece cut as the people who've owned it before me never took good care of it.

The engine's solid, but at 158k needs a rebuild because I know some of these have been hard miles put on it by the last owner.  I need to redo the interior (black leather) because it was a daily use car that nobody took care of again, so there's tears and worn out spots (especially on the driver's seat). 

The Transmission is the only major problem area on it, as it'll slip out of gear, or simply NOT go into gear when shifting.  Besides wanting to rebuild or replace it, I've got that little problem.

In general, this car's a project that my wallet can't handle right now, so I have it in storage in this old lady's garage down the road from me.  I have it running, but never drive it.  They're actually fairly "rare" cars, as the SC is tempermental and prone to breaking.  The local Ford garage was shocked I had one, and one in such good shape.  They had to special order the lubricant for it because they thought there weren't any more left running in the area (even at a 12 year old car, it's being considered rare). 

So, I like it...  It's unique, not something you see every day.  I've thought of selling it because they do exist, you just don't see them creep into the green sheets often for sale, but what it's worth to me and what I'd get are prbably two different things.   :-\  So it stays till I have greater ammounts of cash.


Adding photos of what my cars basically look like.  Don't have a camera to do otherwise.  My Le Baron's in pristine condition, but the T-Bird's not, so adjust accordingly.  From a distance you couldn't tell on the T-Bird anyway.

T-Bird...  Mine's the exact same color red but had a limited edition detail job only available on the SC's.  I don't like it though (it's an aqua/black pinstripe that runs the entire way around the car...  That red's a spot on match though, which red isn't a color I'm fond of either.  I plan to paint it some day.


The Le Baron GTC Convertible...  This is the exact color combo of mine.  It's a dark green with a metallic flake in it, a gold/tan top, gold trim, etc...  I think this car's sporting t he same aluminum rims as mine too, which are surprisingly nice for factory.  They have gold highlights in them.  Really nice to me.  I got my car from some people with too much money for a mere $3400.  It was under warranty when they put it in a garage and didn't touch it again.  I was quite fortunate... 

Funny note.  I've found out that Le Baron's are a covted item in Europe I guess.  They're "rare" there, and considered quite an automotive prize to many in Europe, especially Germany.  I find that funny I guess because Le Baron's are a commn car seen in the States still.  There's a girl at my college has one IDENTICAL to mine but beat to hell and back.  I guess in Europe they're popular and have their own "club" and stuff though...  So, whatever.  Weird.

The Original Trilogy / Re: Boba Fett..... Voiced by Jango Fett?
« on: August 29, 2004, 02:26 PM »
They could add "Crikey!" to it maybe? :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebel scum mods are gone!
« on: August 28, 2004, 12:09 AM »
And GNT locked the thread about Robz...  Kinda funny unto itself.   :D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: ******* Spyware
« on: August 28, 2004, 12:07 AM »
Ad-Aware, I've personally found, to clean EVERYTHING out.

My buddy CorranHorn got me onto the Ad-Aware thing.  It pretty much fixed a problem I had that I was gonna take my PC to get worked on, it was that bad.

I've not needed anything else, so I recommend it to anyone.  I just run Ad-Aware now when I run Scandisk and Defrag once a month.  It's just routine...  Or when I know I got something nasty on (as you did Scott.  That EXACT scenario has happened to me maybe 3 times already).

The Original Trilogy / Re: Boba Fett..... Voiced by Jango Fett?
« on: August 28, 2004, 12:03 AM »
Now that you mention it MIke, I too recall hearing somewhere that Morrison isn't a big fan.  I could see him being condescending, which (to me) LFL should have some say in the crap the actors spew about "fans". 

It's a shame, but in the end I'm sure he does get hounded and if he really doesn't care for/about his role than I'm sure he's doubly PO'd when he's asked for autographs and whatnot.

The funny thing in the end (If he is this much of a jerk) then is that he needs to do cons to pay off his mortgage.  Wow, that gotta sting.

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