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Messages - McMetal

Pages: 1 ... 172 173 174 175 176 [177] 178 179 180 181 182 ... 460
Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Super Hero/Comic Book Movies
« on: August 8, 2015, 04:33 PM »
It will always fail as long as these dopes keep trying to drag the story into present day. It is at its essence a period piece, a Cold War fable that is out of place in any other time. I have always said this should be done like Cap America 1, true to its roots. Like Mad Men meets the Avengers.

And stop screwing with the core dynamics of the team and every other little thing you can find to tweak. (Like the costumes, always the worst costumes) do it like you actually respect the source material.

Star Wars Rebels / Re: Star Wars Rebels Toy Rumors!
« on: August 7, 2015, 10:31 PM »
I've started to ponder the upcoming 9/4 product launch more frequently as we get closer. I am very curious what sort of presence the Rebels line will have, if any. The show won't be back on by then, but the first season DVD gets released earlier that week.

I guess it is fair to assume we may see the Vader/Ahsoka 2-pack, although it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't there either.

But what about new single carded figures or vehicles? Seems as though there will be a few different price point options for them. I'm not holding my breath for the Ghost (yet) but I'd sure like that imperial speeder bike we saw last season. The regular TIE Fighter is overdue as well.

I'm not sure if I see them mixing in 5 POA rebels figures with the 5 POA TFA stuff, but anyyhings possible I suppose.

Outside of the 6" stuff, these will be my only other focus for FF. Hope there is some good stuff to surprise us, and no hard to find exclusives.  :)

The Black Series 3.75" / Re: San Diego Comic-Con 2015
« on: August 7, 2015, 04:10 PM »
Ahsoka was listed as "2016" on the placard at the Hasbro booth during SDCC, but who the heck really knows now?

Grabbed the two remaining speeder bike sets I could find from Target on clearance for $17.48 each. Figure they will not last long at that price. Still think Jabba will linger though.

Four weeks from right now I'll be standing in line somewhere for something.  :D

The Black Series 3.75" / Re: Black Series Rumors
« on: August 6, 2015, 06:53 PM »
I would NOT count on SA TFA yet...  Wouldn't discount OT/PT filling that TBS3.75" slot though. :x

100%'ll probably just be leftover Wave 7/8 stuff. I predict anger and disappointment come 9/4.


Target has FINALLY put that army of 6" Slave Leia and Greedo on clearance, along with the rest of the Jabbas and Bikers.

How much are they going for now? (Deluxe sets AND regular figures)

edit: NM, i hit a few at lunch...looks like the standard 30% off, $13.58 for figures and $17.58 for the deluxe sets. The speeder bikes disappeared in a hurry around here.

Other Toy Lines / Re: ReAction Lines
« on: August 5, 2015, 07:20 PM »
Oh, hell yes! I am all over this...

If I'm not mistaken, I saw the deluxe 6" sets with a clearance tag at TRU for $19 and change yesterday. I will swing by to confirm later this week.

Of course, the Han/greedo set was still full price. #GoodLuckWithThat

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Super Hero/Comic Book Movies
« on: August 5, 2015, 02:36 PM »
Thanks guys, I stand corrected. I was thinking in terms of a repetitive device that becomes significant ultimately. More of a Hitchcock thing I guess.

I forgot to mention I loved the cameo by the Mad Men guy.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Super Hero/Comic Book Movies
« on: August 5, 2015, 11:42 AM »
I finally saw Ant Man last night and thought it was pretty great. Corey Stoll is on quite a roll. Curious to see if he shaves his head next week on The Strain...

Loved the 2 post cred scenes also. I was the only one in the theater who stayed long enough to see the last one. Dopes!

Why the mystery around Janet Van Dyne though? The fact that the picture at the end completely obscured her face with that silly hat seemed like an odd swerve. (BTW, who would keep a photo like that of their dead wife? Maybe pick one where you can actually see her face?) I can only assume she will show up later down the line somewhere and they wanted to keep their options open for casting?

Every time they showed that little tank keychain i kept thinking "MacGuffin!" and sure enough.  ;)

Well, to be fair, if you are getting this you probably care about the packaging, and to slap that ugly UPC right front and center is kind of a jackhole move. Especially if it doesn't come off easily, which apparently it does not. I could see being irked about that.

But yeah, I don't have THAT much sympathy because AT LEAST THEY GOT ONE!  >:(

Have they listed more at any point yet?  I've been checking occasionally and haven't seen anything.

No, I've been checking several hundred times throughout the day and night since they sold out, and they have never come back into stock.  :(

Other Toy Lines / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: August 3, 2015, 09:40 AM »
McMetal, what are the Walking Dead exclusives? Thanks

The current one is the exclusive "Deputy Rick Grimes" kitbash, and the exclusive "Flu Hero Daryl" figure should be showing up soon based on that I heard coming out of SDCC.

The black Ant Man figure was on a separate display away from the toy aisle up front, maybe the WD stuff is tucked away someplace too?

Other Toy Lines / Re: ReAction Lines
« on: August 2, 2015, 09:01 PM »
On that haunted house play set... my assumption is more likely that no one bought them.  That price tag was insane for a fold-up piece of printed cardboard.

Happy to report I was just able to order one of these right off the super 7 website for cost. I threw in the regular version of Bruce the Shark while I was at it to complete my Jaws collection.

All in all I did pretty well scoring sdcc exclusives this year for minimal markup. Except for that $&@! Stormtrooper.  ::)

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