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Topics - Jesse James

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Watto's Junk Yard / Land of the Dead
« on: June 12, 2005, 03:57 AM »
Just a thread for it...  Not sure I'm even going to go see it, but I actually had a question which is why I kicked the thread off for this.

Is it set in Pittsburgh?  I only ask because I keep seeing the commercials half-way through or just missing bits of them,a nd from what I saw, it looked like downtown is the fortress of the living...

I was just surprised that Romero was going to set the film in his hometown, and wasn't sure if that was even the case.  I know he didn't film it here...  Or I don't think he did.  If he did it went 100% under the radar, and I thought I heard him say he wanted to film here but opted for elsewhere due to costs of filming in our beloved city.

And of course, share thoughts/reviews here if you go see it.  I doubt I do unless my friends wanna go...  This isn't one to trick the better half into going to see I figure.

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: Wookiee Warrior (Sneak Preview)
« on: June 12, 2005, 03:40 AM »
Wookiee's aren't a HUGE part of ROTS, but they're a popular part of it I think...  So to me, an obvious choice for the Preview Wave would be a Wookiee Warrior to get the masses pumped.  Weird aliens, the token villain...  These make good preview figures to inspire that "hey, that looks neat, maybe I gotta check the movie out" kinda response.

The fuzzball I speak of is of course the Preview Wookiee WarriorClick Right Here to read the whole review on him.  Of course, share your thoughts too.

I mean, seeing something OTHER than Chewbacca in the Wookiee form is a plus in and of itself...  Yarua was a nice figure for what it was, but the Wookiee Warrior has only one superior walking carpet right now (VOTC Chewbacca), and it's a figure that only the craziest articulation would've topped.  This Wookiee Warrior just rocks the party though...

He's sporting lots of articulation, a great sculpt, nice accessories, he's pretty neutral, he's pretty fun to look at and play with...  He should be incredibly popular with collectors and kids alike.

So check that review out and enjoy...  Ultimately I loved this figure.  He's one I've got a nice little army of, and I'd take probably another 15 of him if I could find them.  They're drying up quickly for my area though.

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: R4-G9 (Sneak Preview)
« on: June 6, 2005, 11:04 PM »
Astromech Droids are taken to new heights by Hasbro with this latest rendition of the little buggers...  R4-G9 (Sneak Preview) proves that Hasbro can do articulation, features, and accessories all in one little droid, and with little to no drawbacks really!

Yup, Hasbro actually improved what I thought they had pretty much perfected...  Astromechs!  R4-G9 has the aspects I like in these droids though, and which Hasbro has proven works...  Articulation.  But Hasbro also incorporated the a neat method to make the 3rd leg retract and extend by twisting the dome, the lightpipe is better than ever, and he's got an accessory that's sort of innovative...  But how does he measure up overall as a figure?

Well, short of him having more accessories (something all astro's could use to spice them up a bit), he really is quite nice, but just Click Right Here to check out the full review, and as always, share your thoughts on him if you'd like.

He's a must-have for any collection though, in this reviewer's opinion.  :)  I'd buy astromech droid repaints with every wave of figures that came out I think!

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: Tion Medon
« on: June 2, 2005, 01:58 AM »
The Pimpmaster of Star Wars may have been usurped...  Lando may have been dethroned.  The only cause could be an impressive pimp cane...  Tion Medon's got that!

Check the full review out Right Here and chime in with some thoughts on him.

I dig Tion...  He's not the most interesting guy to stick into a preview wave though, and his roll in the film is so brief and uninteresting that it's just rough to stomach that he was one of the preview wave.  How's this guy gonna make anyone pumped for Star Wars, ya know?  Hasbro does a boring "Senator" kind of figure much justice though, and that's good news.

But, with that said, he's an impressive sculpt, and he was a sign of great things to come for even the most dull of figures in the ROTS line-up.  Tion's sporting lots of articulation, a couple nice accessories...  That quality carried over, so that's a fantastic plus to us action figure fans.

So read, drink, and be merry... 

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: General Grievous (Sneak Preview)
« on: May 27, 2005, 03:15 AM »
He's mean, he's bony lookin', and he's a big focus of hype around the new Star Wars movie Revenge of the Sith...  So how's he as a toy?

Of course, I speak of General Grievous , the Separatist leader and funkmaster of the galaxy.

Read the full review for General Grievous (Sneak Preview) if you dare, and give us some thoughts too.

For me, Grievous was a tough figure to review because he had little to compare him to.  I found him to be fairly good overall and accurate to what I'd seen of the character up to that point.  With that said, and having now seen the film, I can safely say my issue with his articulation is a valid one.  They could've done Grievous a little more justice in the poseability department.

The good news there though?  We'll have probably quite a few of him in the coming months since he seems to be the Darth Maul of his day.  His time in the film was brief, but we all have our Clone Wars memories of this badass to really love the character for.

He's got some flaws, but he's got a lot going for him too, so check the review out and enjoy.

The Prequel Trilogy / Different Cuts Of The Film?
« on: May 24, 2005, 02:31 PM »
That's the word, and a buddy of mine who I've seen the movie with twice now brought it to my attention and I think he's right...

One difference was in the battle over Coruscant...  When Grievous' ship is falling, it seems the Captain orders the "reverse thrusters" or something to level the ship out and we see the engine burst...  In the other though, Anakin's the one who initiates the engine burst to slow the ship down in its descent...  Did anyone notice this?

Today my buddy mentioned that there's a dialogue difference...  Padme lamenting the rise of the Empire during the Senate sequence.  In one version she says, "This is how democracy dies", and in another she says, "this is how Liberty dies"

Or something to that effect...  I may be slightly misquoting but there's differences I guess people are noticing.

Anyone caught any of that stuff yet?

The Prequel Trilogy / The Tantive IV is... NOT the Tantive IV?
« on: May 23, 2005, 09:01 PM »
OK, this caught me off guard in all 3 viewings, but the Tantive IV didn't LOOK like the Tantive IV in ANH that I remembered...  I found this odd, but I noticed RIGHT away the major differences and so tonight I checked a site that I KNEW would be talking about it and I had my thoughts confirmed... 

The Tantive IV CGI Model in E3 isn't accurate...  at all.

It's main flaw is that a whole mid-section of the ship is gone.  Cut away...  ANH footage puts the length of the ship at about 150m compared to the Star Destroyers...  I agree with that, the films are canon.

The CGI guys at ILM today appear, to me, to have cut away the ship in the middle...  This happened to many sources as well because a publicity shot of the TIV in ANH has it at an angle where you can't see a mid-portion of the ship.

I'ts incredibly strange though...  There's other little subtle changes and things by the CGI guys... 

I'm not terribly irked...  Explanations can be fudged on it, but I'm sorta saddened that they did such a sloppy CGI model of a ship from ANH that would be easy enough to just research and make an accurate model of.  It appears (as I see it) though that the CGI guys at ILM just took some reference books and used those designs instead, in all their inaccuracy.

Feedback / JediSearch's feedback
« on: May 20, 2005, 06:42 PM »
Hey everyone...

JediSearch (Stephen) is newer to the boards but just did a huge favor for me.  He was able to obtain one of the Target giftcards from 4/2 for me since I missed out on them completely and sent me one free of charge!

The guy rocks...  Thanks Stephen, I owe you one for this!

Toy Reviews / New Review: Feltipern Trevagg
« on: May 12, 2005, 04:56 AM »

This guy's a freak, and you gotta love that!  Hasbro fleshed out some of the most obscure figures in plastic form when they unveiled their "Cantina Wave" to us, and boy did they make many a die-hard collector happy. 

Three Cantina aliens all at one time, and now I review the final figure from that fantastic wave, Feltipern Trevagg (Cantina Encounter)!

Read The Full Review Right Here, and as always I appreciate any feedback, comments, opinions or whatever if you'd like to share.

Basically, I liked the Cantina wave overall, even Dannik Jerriko, but part of me thinks I gave him props because I know I can fix him too...  Otherwise he's somewhat a letdown.

Feltipern won my heart as maybe my favorite figure of the wave though, with his fuzzy head, vibrant (and clean) colors, great articulation (all things considered), and what I think is probably the most accurate sculpt in the Cantina overall.  Hasbro knocked one out of the park as far as I can tell.

The figure's great, but read the full review to judge for yourself...  I recommend this wave to everyone though if you don't have a set.  They're the kinds of figures we put up with 10 horrendous efforts from Hasbro just to get this little bite of how good that company CAN be when they want to.  They make collecting worthwhile. :)

The Prequel Trilogy / Jedi After Episode 3?
« on: May 10, 2005, 03:52 AM »
This is partly hypothetical, and there's partly some roots in EU here as well, but it's a question I've wondered since E3's been rolling around now and we know the inevitables that come of that film.

So my thought is, do any Jedi besides Obi-Wan and Yoda live in hiding on into the years of the Empire?

The films most likely imply nothing of the sort happening, but at least one instance in EU claims at least ONE Jedi lives on through the days of the Empire, likely in hiding, and even past ROTJ.

His name is Qu Rahn...  Just a bald human with a goatee, who is executed by the Dark Jedi Jerec in the Dark Forces storyline (In the game Jedi Knight).  He's a friend, and possibly was being hidden by, Kyle Katarn's father Morgan...  Anyway, the story there, whcih I personally love, has made me wonder what others have thought of Jedi escaping and going into hiding.

it seems that the Jedi are all over the galaxy...  It's likely that SOME are alone, and woudl be able to escape...  That's how I see it anyway.  I'm not sure if other stories exist of Jedi escaping and going into hiding other than Rahn...  Anyone know?

Feedback / Venik's feedback
« on: May 9, 2005, 04:02 PM »
Hey guys, I wanted to introduce you to a new chap I just bought a couple items off of.

Venik is a great guy, fast communication, and very quick/well packaged items so I wanted to kick off his positive feedback here at Jedi Defender.

I hope Kevin's gonna hang with us here at the site and do lots of trading!

Take it easy!


Toy Reviews / New Review: Dannik Jerriko
« on: May 9, 2005, 02:25 AM »
Arnold would've called him one ugly son of a bitch...  Let's face it, Dannik Jerrko (Cantina Encounter) is not winning any beauty contests!

However, and as boring as he may be to some, this guy was one of my all-time favorites from the Cantina.  Maybe it was because he WAS close to human looking (and humans from the Cantina are rare, unless they're main characters), or perhaps it was because of his very nonschelant look towards Obi Wan's demonstration of power with a big ole flashlight?  I don't know, but this guy always just looked neat to me.

I dig Dannik overall...  You'll find my review was pretty up on this figure, and really I liked the Cantina wave from Stem to Stern.  I think that this wave of figures is Hasbro demonstrating that they can "up the anty" in this line.  It's even been improved upon by many figures in the ROTS line now, as many feature ball/socket shoulders while the Cantina dudes do not.

Dannik Jerriko suffers from either the end result of some seriously bad acne, or a Hasbro flub in judgment...  OK, there is no "or" here, it was simply that Hasbro made a mistake when they decided to put the probe things on his face, and  use 2 gaping holes to attach the probes to.  They're EU, they're ugly, they add little to the figure...  I think Hasbro maybe had their heart in the right place though, so I tried to be lenient.  I still like the figure myself, but I'll like a lot when I can fix a head cast up so those holes are GONE.   :-\

Anyway, without further rambling, Click Right Here and read the full review.  As always, share your thoughts with us on this figure.  I think Dannik was one of the more "controversial" figures to trickle forth from the OTC line, so any opinion is welcome.  I know many were more down on him than I was, and I can't blame anyone one bit for that.

Revenge of the Sith / I'm Not A Fan of Molded Sabers
« on: May 2, 2005, 01:08 AM »
I gotta say...

I nabbed the Palpatine figure tonight in the red robes with the extra head/hands, and I'm really not liking these sabers molded into the hands and all that.

I understand single-piece saber/hilts rather than the removable blades and all that jazz...  I don't LIKE that, and I think the removable blades w/hilts were pretty cool, but this whole thing of Hasbro molding the saber TO the hand and making the hands removable sorta sucks.  I only say that about Palpy here because he doesn't have a "normal" right hand really.  Just the bony Evil hands. 

I guess I think Hasbro can do better by making a saber (single-piece), and then just a hilt, rather than sabers stuck to hands.  If kids are gonna lose the whole saber, so be it...  I can bite on the issue of removable blades being fragile though...  But no saber sorta sucks.   :-\

Toy Reviews / New Review: Myo
« on: April 14, 2005, 02:32 AM »

Coming back atcha with another review, and this one's kicking off a doozey of a wave of figures...  The Cantina Wave!  And more specifically, we pick apart Myo in today's review...

Myo is point man then, and he's no slouch folks...  Don't let the drunken stagger and the frosty brew in his hands fool you. 

None of this wave is really bad either, but of course nobody is perfect, even one-eyed green freaks with big "Ambrose Burnside" muttonchops!  This figure still ranks as one of my favorites in the modern line though, as does the entire wave, so I'm gonna give this guy lots of praise.

So READ RIGHT HERE the full review, and of course feel free to share your thoughts/opinions with us on this figure as well. 

Gotta love those freaky background aliens.  This is the type of thing Hasbro puts out that makes collectors giddy to find in the aisles of their local retailers!

Revenge of the Sith / Target Coupon... Some hope?
« on: March 29, 2005, 07:21 PM »
Well I just got ahold of my mail, and low and behold I too got the Target ad with $1 off figures coupon...  I don't hold a Target card, nor do I ever get anything from them in the mail, yet I got one, so yay me.

Some hope for those wanting that coupon...  May be able to try using it over at Wal-Mart, or as I recall someone thought about trying to use it for a price adjustment too at Target, if I recall correctly.

Seems like more of us may get these coupons than we once thought though.  I'm really amazed I got this, to be honest.  But either way it seems that figures are going $1 off on 4/3 anyway.  Maybe picked over some, but either way it's good news for folks.

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