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Topics - Jesse James

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Toy Reviews / New JD Review: Cloud Car Pilot
« on: March 23, 2005, 09:49 PM »
Another day, another review...

Cloud Car Pilot does a fly-by today in my review column here at Jedi Defender!  A grand figure if I may say so myself.  This guy's got everything a good army builder should have.

He's got lots of accessories that attach to him in holsters and on clips, he's got a removable piece of headgear, he's got pretty good articulation...  Is he great though?  Well, not perfect.  He's not a VOTC quality figure or anything, but he's not far off really either.

Plus he sports a great deco I think, based on McQuarrie art.  Gotta love that!

Read the full review RIGHT HERE!!!

Of course, let us know what you think too...  I've got a handful of these guys that I lucked into at the great Wal-Mart OTC Clearances, and a few I just picked up at random trips to stores.  This guy didn't sit on pegs long though around me.  The clearanced ones always were fresh to the pegs it seemed.

Hope you nabbed an army too because a lot of positive signs point to a Cloud Car in the future.  And even if those signs are false, you can always buy the vintage one that really holds up well even today!

Toy Reviews / New JD Review: Lobot
« on: March 21, 2005, 08:53 PM »
And yet another new review...  Big "ups" to Jeff for posting these in rapid succession!

So how do you like your Cyborgs served?  Side of fries perhaps?  With 4 lightsabers and an action feature?  Or just in black bionic suits with one mean-ass red saber?

Myself, I'm a fan of Lobot...  Dull?  Perhaps.  But you can't deny that he holds a weird place in the Bespin line-up as actually being a man of action, even though he did very little.

Hasbro's first Lobot was hardly anything special, though it was sharply sculpted.  His disco pose just killed him though as a figure, and Hasbro OWED us a better, neutral Lobot...  They delivered, thankfully.

Click Right Here and read the full review, and let us know what your opinions on Lobot are.

Myself, I'm pretty happy.  Lots of good sculpting, lots of good deco (for what he is), and while he only has 2 accessories, they're both very cool and creative ones from Hasbro.  Kudos to them for thinking outside the box a little bit with accessories, on a figure who really doesn't have much to include as far as accessories go.

Read on, and enjoy.  He was one of my more favored OTC purchases I think.

Toy Reviews / Review: Bespin Leia
« on: March 19, 2005, 04:15 AM »
Thanks to some serious ass-busting, my reviews are going up at lightning quick speed, so here we go with another one that's been lying around in the archives, Bespin Leia.

Not the best figure in the world, and one I think Hasbro could've tried to wow us a little more on, but it also serves a certain purpose to put this figure out and be done with her...  My review's a little critical but that's because I felt so GROSSLY underwhelmed by her.  A truly bland chunk of plastic that, if they aren't gonna try at making her interesting, then I hope they never retread this territory again then.

Click HERE to read the review, and of course everyone's welcome to chime in here if they'd like or do up your own review (not necessarilly in this thread either, do whatever) and opinions...

Myself, I've spent $5 better in my life, but thems the breaks.  Like I said, she serves a purpose and replaces a rather unattractive Leia that was in her place.


Just so you guys know, in my review I listed her as having THREE points of articulation when in reality she has 5.  I completely overlooked the rather useless cuts she has in the middle of her arms. 

A half-assed wrist articulation?  I don't know what their deal is, but I did short-change her on that, so just for the record I'm aware of that.  She still has pathetically limited articulation...  5 points was standard 10 years ago.  Too bad Hasbro decided to jump back into the 90's.  Wonder if they can pick me up some flannel and change my grades from my Junionr year in high school while they're there?  ::)

Toy Reviews / Review: Spirit Obi-Wan (Dagobah)
« on: March 17, 2005, 06:03 PM »

Didn't want to let this go...  My news post on the Spirit Ben already has found its way to the bottom of our front page!  :)  News is just hectic at this time of year I guess, hehe.

Anyway, up next is Original Trilogy Collection Spirit Obi-Wan Kenobi (Dagobah Wave), and this is a dandy of a figure with what I wholely expect to be made into an "alive" repainted version some day as well.  Would I turn my nose to that?  Hell no!

Click Right Here and read the full review, and of course share your opinions here if you'd like or form your own review...  Whatever.

Me, I enjoyed this figure...  It's a massive update.  I'd dig a Ben who could sit since he did sit to explain some junk to Luke, but how does one pull softgoods off in spirit form?  I like to think of myself as a seasoned customizer, and even I'm at a loss on that one short of using the utmost in pliable plastic for the skirt...

It's possible if you went that route though, as there's currently some Germans with trenchcoats in the X-Treme Detail line that the coat flexes tremendously.

I don't know how that would turn out though on a spirit character.

My biggest gripe with Ben though is he makes the other characters in spirit form just look flat out bad at this point.  Yikes!  Hopefully they get redone, and though I'd expect a new Spirit Anakin, I'd like the old style Anakin done up too...  For the nostalgia.  I mean, just use the same mold, ya know?

But, Ben's pretty good... Sparse on accessories like R2 was, but he fleshed out that wave well so just read the review and of course you're welcome to join in the picking of nits if you'd like!

Toy Reviews / Review: Dagobah R2-D2
« on: March 14, 2005, 03:08 PM »
And another one down...  Look for Spirit-O-Ben-Louis soon though!

He's lean, he's mean, he's uh...  dirty.  Well, he's not something you haven't seen before really, as he's actually mostly reused parts and things, but he is something new in the paintjob.  Very nicely new actually.

But is he a good figure?  Well that you have to decide for yourself!  Click Right Here to read the whole thing and see what you think. 

Myself, I found the figure lacking the 1-2 punch I needed to make me content with the purchase.  I like the figure as a repaint, and it blows the pack-in R2 away that came with the Dagobah X-Wing...  The problem though?  He's not anything new really, and he came with nothing to make me say that he was worth the $5.

A base is cool, but not a single accessory bit the big one.  A problem with astromechs, but look what we've gotten with others like R2-Q5...  A neat little holo Death Star.

I think Hasbro could've tossed in the Dagobah X-Wing accessories like Luke's luggage, or the Flashback Yoda Lamp, or all of them...  Just to give this guy some oomph as a toy.

Anyway, read the review, get back to us here, have fun.

Toy Reviews / Review: Dagobah Luke & Yoda!
« on: March 11, 2005, 02:37 PM »

Up for your viewing pleasure is the OTC's dynamic duo, Luke and Yoda, Dagobah Training!

Easily two of the most needed resculpts for the modern line, Yoda has never looked better, and neither has Luke, but does that make good figures?  Well I'd say yes, and I'd say no.  I think the majority may be against me on Luke, but I found him wanting as an action figure...  A nice resculpt yes, but not much of a fun toy, which really hurts him in my eyes.

Still, Hasbro has some innovative ideas here, and the two go together great as a neat little set.  They look fantabulous on a shelf, there's no denying that.

Read my review though RIGHT HERE and get all the skinny.  I think these are two worth purchasing, but I'd buy Luke again if he included just a little something extra in the arm department. 

Ya know, cuz I likes to pose my toys!

Revenge of the Sith / Captain Antilles... He Sorta Sucks
« on: March 5, 2005, 03:50 PM »

OK, that's the image from, which has had some criticism but giving it the benefit of the doubt, that figure REALLY sucks.

Compared to what we're getting elsewhere in the line, the Antilles figure APPEARS to not have any extra articulation beyond the 5 point standard (if that even), and no noticeable ball/socket joints which I'd hoped were making a huge surge as "standard" in the line. 

With Organa's body basically being the same (not seen movie stills side-by-side to compare though), I for one can't see the logic in a whole new sculpt for a figure who could've at least used some parts from the Bail Organa sculpt.

I'm just disappointed, if this is the Capt. Antilles figure we're getting, because I can't see this thing being as good as the Organa figure.  I'm gonna hope I'm just wrong though on that, and the articulation's just incredibly well hidden or this was some fluke of some sort.   :-\

My worst fear is that Hasbro's going to skimp on many background figures now, or that the articulation will be only for the initial launch and the line's going to revert somewhat to minimal articulation.  That just disheartens me to think about it even...  I truly hope that's not the case.  ROTS's line-up is showing huge promise for the line overall, even if it's future is drawing very near to an end.  I just hope this quality doesn't die off and the Antilles figure is a possible sign of bad things to come.

Hey everyone,

As you may, or may not have heard, (The Forgotten Force Ultimate Resource Guide for customizers) is attending Celebration III, and without a doubt the staff at FFURG is excited beyond description!

Our troop are even pre-selling shirts you can pick up at Celebration III via our site, and sure to be the in-fashion for customizers for some time to come! :)

But, what I really want to extend a hand to is the non-customizers attending C3 who have maybe just dabbled in the hobby but not really gotten into it, or even complete novices who are just interested in maybe stopping by.  We're welcoming all to our booth, and we think you'll all enjoy some of the demonstrations, discussions, and other plans we have set for the show!

One that may drive people over to the booth is our planned "BYOB", or "Bring Your Own Body" Custom Creations demonstration where you supply the random figure body, and we'll supply you a generic head(cast) to give your collection shelf just that much more diversity!!!

Got a Tarkin figure for cheap?  Want a new Imperial Officer roaming among your Hasbro-made figures?  Then bam!  Instant Imperial Officer for you with our supplied headcast...  Well, you get the idea here anyway. ;)

You can read all the details about our plans for C3 by clicking the link provided...  FFURG at Celebration III Details!!!

FFURG is looking forward to seeing you at the show!  Remember, you don't have to already be in this hobby to enjoy the booth, so we're gonna expect you all!


Well you guys can by getting the T-Shirt for Celebration 3!  As per the front page, you can pre-order yours now!  Just go to, and get those orders in! 

Customizers rejoice!  At last we have a shirt we'd GLADLY get our paint, chemicals, and accidental Dremel tears in!   ;D

Revenge of the Sith / Hasbro / RotS Figures in the Media
« on: February 8, 2005, 04:59 AM »

So this was elsewhere but it's a pretty good read and a topic I find quite curious...  It says a lot about Star Wars that I've been saying now for years but which I've been told I was "wrong" by more than a handful of people...

I tend to agree with the analyst's response to the story when saying that Star Wars is not something Hasbro should be putting their hopes into...  However I don't believe they honestly are either.

Something I bring to the table, and something I bet most people have never read but it's a fun thing to check out, is a read on the Company's History via  It's funny when reading that PR article that they have on their main page because you get a better look overall at this company's trends, and where they've put a lot of weight over the years.

It's sad, but Star Wars is a mere blip on Hasbro's radar, and their Company History page shows it...  To them it's just a brand they kept from the hands of someone else I feel.  I think they are making a push with the last movie, but I don't believe Hasbro is really putting a lot of hope that Star Wars will rebound the Boy's Toys division as a whole.  I think the reporter's giving more credit to the license and Hasbro PR work than they deserve, and the Analyst gives a better breakdown of Hasbro's view...  the license is a gamble, it always has been, and there's plenty backing that up.

I think Star Wars is in for dark days after E3 unfortunately.  I think it'll be more a liability to the Boy's Toys division rather than a blessing, short of some incredible popularity out of E3 and into new popular media.

Celebration III: Indianapolis / Restaurants/Eateries in Indy
« on: January 31, 2005, 10:45 PM »
Adam (BigDumbWookie) mentioned this elsewhere and I thought it'd be a good list (compiled by the Indy Knights I believe) of eateries in Indianapolis...

I'm gonna probably map out some things for my gf and I to go do in the evening based off this list.  Thanks to Adam for pointing this out too...  It's a nice help for us out-of-towners.

Acapulco Joes 365 N Illinois Street
Aesop's Tables 600 Massachusetts Avenue
Agio 635 Massachusetts Avenue
Alcatraz Brewing Company Illinois & Maryland - Circle Centre Mall
Amici's 601 E. New York Street
Bazbeaux Pizza Downtown 334 Massachusetts Avenue
Bertolini's Authentic Trattoria Illinois & Washington - Circle Centre Mall
Brewski's Sport & Wing Shack 4th Level Circle Centre Mall
Buca Di Beppo's 35 North Illinois Street
BW-3's Downtown 15 E. Maryland Street
Cafe Nordstrom Georgia & Meridian - Nordstrom Dept Store in Circle Centre Mall
Cajun & Grill 3rd Level Circle Centre Mall Food Court
Champps Illinois & Washington - Circle Centre Mall
Chicago's Pizza 20 N. Meridian Street
Claddaugh's 234 S Meridian Street
Front Page 310 Massachusetts Avenue
Frullati Cafe 3rd Level Circle Centre Mall Food Court
Hard Rock Cafe 49 South Meridian
Hollywood Bar & Filmworks 247 S. Meridian Street
Hooters 25 W. Georgia Avenue
Iaria's 317 S. College Avenue
India Garden 143 N. Illinois Street
Jillian's 141 South Meridian Street
Le Peep Restaurant 934 N. Pennsylvania Street
Morton's of Chicago 41 E. Washington Street
Nordstrom Grill Georgia & Meridian - Nordstrom Dept Store in Circle Centre Mall
Old Point Tavern 401 Massachusetts
Old Spaghetti Factory 210 S. Meridian Street
P.F. Chang's Illinois & Maryland - Circle Centre Mall
Palomino Euro Bistro Illinois & Maryland - Circle Centre Mall
Ram Restaurant & Brewery of Indianapolis 140 South Illinois Street
Rathskeller Restaurant 401 East Michigan Street
Ruth's Chris Steak House Illinois & Maryland - Circle Centre Mall
ShelBi Street Café in Fountain Square 1105 Shelby Street
St. Elmo's Steakhouse 127 S. Illinois Street
T.G.I. Friday's 501 W. Washington Street
The Eagle's Nest Restaurant 1 South Capitol Avenue, top floor Hyatt
The Elbow Room 605 N Pennsylvania Street
The Milano Inn 231 S. College Avenue
The Slippery Noodle 372 S. Meridian Street

Semi Fast Food (sit down):
Johnny Rockets 3rd Level Circle Centre Mall Food Court
Steak 'n' Shake 101 West Maryland

Fast Food:
Arby's 45 E South Street
McDonald's 115 W. Washington, Merchants Plaza
Nick's Gyros and Yogurt 3rd Level Circle Centre Mall Food Court
Sbarro 3rd Level Circle Centre Mall Food Court
Steak Escape 3rd Level Circle Centre Mall Food Court
Subway 31 E South St
Subway 101 W Washington Street Suite 171
Subway 305 W Washington Street
Subway 49 W Maryland Street
Subway 111 Monument Circle
Taco Bell 402 W Washington
White Castle 55 W. South Street

Lots of places it seems...  Damn I wish this was in Pittsburgh.  I would love having the chance to show people around my home town and what all I like to do. :)

Modern Classifieds / VOTC Stormtroopers Wanted (Among Others)
« on: January 31, 2005, 01:49 PM »
Army building obsession continues I guess...

I am looking for the following:

-VOTC Stormtroopers (I know lots of folks had better luck, and some worse luck, than I did finding these on clearance so I thought maybe if anyone had extras they'd be willing to help me gain a respectable army).

-Imperial "Officers"...  The POTJ or Saga variants.

-4-pack/Vader Case Stormtrooper...  The Trooper everyone hates that's a kitbash of the Commtech and POTJ Sandtrooper.

-4-Pack AT-ST Driver (Kitbashed figure)

I'm mostly looking to buy since I doubt I have much in trade fodder that anyone wants, however I do have a beat-up Ephant Mon, the Naboo Royal Guard on E1 card (x2), and some other little things someone may need/want.  Never hurts to try.

I'm all about buying though, so let me know if you can help out...



Other Toy Lines / Terminator (Aliens, Predator, Etc.)... 4" Scale.
« on: January 28, 2005, 01:09 AM »
Sounds like it's maybe coming...  No pictures yet, but I guess some stuff was previewed this past year at a show.  It is indeed in the Star Wars scale as well.

Veeeerrrrrrrryyyyy interesting.

I'm wanting some resistance fighters and Endoskeletons!!!  An Arnold figure for customs is just gonna be funny as hell too.

The Wookiee Arcade / Star Wars: Empire At War
« on: January 3, 2005, 07:50 PM »
A new classic trilogy era RTS is on the way according to reports...  News has been out a little bit now, but the first article on it is coming from Europe I guess.

Not much to say for now other than it seems to include fleet battles as well as ground combat, and the TIE Crawler's making an appearance for the first time.

While I welcome a new RTS with open arms, the idea makes me curious if it will actually be any good. 

Force Commander's a legitimately SOLID game that was built from the ground up by Lucasarts, rather than a knock-off game of a "popular" RTS game that was outdated by the time they basically did a Star Wars version of it.  Battlegrounds had support from casual gamers, but I don't think the game ever appealed to anyone who played RTS's often.

Force Commander's difficult interface ended up being its major downfall then, and we were left without a RTS that appealed to everyone.

If this game doesn't have:

A) Good gameplay
B ) Good interface/controls
C) Good storyline
D) Excellent graphics
E) Epic scale (IE: Lots and LOTS of units on a big map)
F) Scaled playing units (IE: An AT-AT isn't as big as an AT-ST on the field)
G) 3-D gameplay, units, maps, etc.
H) And a continuation of ground units ESTABLISHED in both previous games and EU, as well as the films.

Well then this game isn't going to be a great success.  LA's gotta get their crap together with this.  Force Commander was close to a home run.  Galactic Battlegrounds was nothing more than a mod to an existing ANCIENT gaming engine (It's like playing Doom with Star Wars characters...  It's nothing original whatsoever).

LA better nail this one...  3rd time has to be the charm or RTS is just something they'll never get right, or even try to again I think.

And then they better get off their asses and make a new flight sim, because the X-Wing/TIE Fighter series...  arguably the most profitable series for Lucasarts ever...  Has faded.  Make a new game already...  Finish the damn story for the Azzameen's already...  Move on into the post ROTJ era already...  Just do something!

Watto's Junk Yard / Anyone Into Monkeys?
« on: December 30, 2004, 03:39 AM »

Anyone else into them?

I got some fine monkey items for Christmas actually.  Among
them includes:

-Monkey Bobblehead from Aeropostale
-Painting of Curious George (who is painting)
-Monkey Boxers

And I gave my significant other a nice monkey as her opening Christmas Gift to start off the evening.

What say you...  Monkey fan or not?

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